From 6e08750042cd18bd2f485e7dce72f5afbbf91cd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MiddleAdjunction Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 15:13:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Removing a redundant field in CartesianClosed/Canonical --- src/Categories/Category/CartesianClosed/Canonical.agda | 5 +++-- .../Construction/Properties/Presheaves/CartesianClosed.agda | 3 --- .../Construction/Properties/Presheaves/FromCartesianCCC.agda | 4 ---- src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Cats.agda | 1 - src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Posets.agda | 1 - src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/CCC.agda | 1 - .../Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/LCCC.agda | 1 - 7 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/CartesianClosed/Canonical.agda b/src/Categories/Category/CartesianClosed/Canonical.agda index 3d69c94e0..d9ac44808 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/CartesianClosed/Canonical.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/CartesianClosed/Canonical.agda @@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ record CartesianClosed : Set (levelOfTerm 𝒞) where eval-comp : eval ∘ (curry f ⁂ id) ≈ f - curry-resp-≈ : f ≈ g → curry f ≈ curry g curry-unique : eval ∘ (f ⁂ id) ≈ g → f ≈ curry g + curry-resp-≈ : f ≈ g → curry f ≈ curry g + curry-resp-≈ f≈g = curry-unique (eval-comp ○ f≈g) + -- The above defines canonical exponentials, making 𝒞 cartesian closed. -- -- NOTE: below we use "⊗" to indicate "non-canonical" products. @@ -153,7 +155,6 @@ module Equivalence where ; eval = eval′ ; curry = λg ; eval-comp = β′ - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ-cong ; curry-unique = λ-unique′ } where diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/CartesianClosed.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/CartesianClosed.agda index bab96072b..70483d271 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/CartesianClosed.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/CartesianClosed.agda @@ -145,9 +145,6 @@ module IsCartesianClosed {o} (C : Category o o o) where let module H = Functor H module α = NaturalTransformation α in Π.cong (α.η _) (H.identity eq₁ , eq₂) } - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ { {F} {G} eq eq₁ (eq₂ , eq₃) → - let module G = Functor G - in eq (G.F-resp-≈ eq₂ eq₁ , eq₃) } ; curry-unique = λ {F G H} {α β} eq {X} {x y} eq₁ → λ { {Y} {f , z} {g , w} (eq₂ , eq₃) → let module F = Functor F module G = Functor G diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/FromCartesianCCC.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/FromCartesianCCC.agda index dbb04d91b..6bcf01daa 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/FromCartesianCCC.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Construction/Properties/Presheaves/FromCartesianCCC.agda @@ -222,10 +222,6 @@ module FromCartesianCCC {o} {C : Category o o o} (Car : Cartesian C) where ≈⟨ Π.cong (α.η X) (H.identity HX.refl , G.identity GX.refl) ⟩ α.η X ⟨$⟩ (z , w) ∎ } - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ {F G H} eq eq₁ eq₂ → - let module G = Functor G - module H = Functor H - in eq (Π.cong (G.₁ π₁) eq₁ , Π.cong (H.₁ π₂) eq₂) ; curry-unique = λ {F G H} {α β} eq {X} {x y} eq₁ {Y} {z w} eq₂ → let module F = Functor F module G = Functor G diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Cats.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Cats.agda index 2a2f515b7..bddbd2c20 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Cats.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Cats.agda @@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ module CanonicallyCartesianClosed {l} where ; eval = eval ; curry = curry.F₀ ; eval-comp = λ {_} {_} {_} {G} → eval-comp {G = G} - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ {_} {_} {_} {G} {H} → curry.resp-NI {F = G} {H} ; curry-unique = λ {_} {_} {_} {G} {H} → curry-unique {G = G} {H} } diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Posets.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Posets.agda index d27c5e4ee..5b54648fb 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Posets.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Posets.agda @@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ Posets-CanonicallyCCC = record ; eval = eval ; curry = curry ; eval-comp = λ {_ _ _ f} → eval-comp {f = f} - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ {_ _ _ f g} → curry-resp-≗ {f = f} {g} ; curry-unique = λ {_ _ _ f g} → curry-unique {f = f} {g} } diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/CCC.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/CCC.agda index 3c25493ca..b899ec62a 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/CCC.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/CCC.agda @@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ module _ ℓ where ; cong = λ eq₁ eq₂ → cong f (eq₁ , eq₂) } ; eval-comp = λ {_ _ _ f} → cong f - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ eq₁ eq₂ eq → eq₁ (eq₂ , eq) ; curry-unique = λ eq₁ eq₂ eq → eq₁ (eq₂ , eq) } where diff --git a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/LCCC.agda b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/LCCC.agda index 61f67c2b3..613a1b8f4 100644 --- a/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/LCCC.agda +++ b/src/Categories/Category/Instance/Properties/Setoids/LCCC.agda @@ -363,7 +363,6 @@ module _ {o} where in Π.cong α.h λ { center → trans (arr₁ span-arrˡ) (eq center) ; left → eq left ; right → eq right } } - ; curry-resp-≈ = λ {_ _ _} {α β} → curry-resp-≈ {_} {_} {_} {α} {β} ; curry-unique = λ {_ _ _} {α β} → curry-unique {_} {_} {_} {α} {β} }