This utility creates Resource Manager templates for an API based on the OpenAPI Specification of the API. Optionally, you can provide policies you wish to apply to the API and its operations in seperate files.
The utility requires one argument, --configFile, which points to a yaml file that controls the ARM templates generated by the Creator tool. The file contains a Creator Configuration object whose schema and related schemas are listed below:
Property | Type | Required | Value |
version | string | Yes | Configuration version. |
apimServiceName | string | Yes | Name of the APIM service to deploy resources into. |
policy | string | No | Location of the global service policy XML file. Can be url or local file. |
apiVersionSets | Array<APIVersionSetConfiguration> | No | List of API Version Set configurations. |
apis | Array<APIConfiguration> | Yes | List of API configurations. |
products | Array<ProductConfiguration> | No | List of Product configurations. |
loggers | Array<LoggerConfiguration> | No | List of Logger configurations. |
authorizationServers | Array<AuthorizationServerContractProperties> | No | List of Authorization Server configurations. |
backends | Array<BackendContractProperties> | No | List of Backend configurations. |
outputLocation | string | Yes | Local folder the utility will write templates to. |
linked | boolean | No | Determines whether the utility should create a master template that links to all generated templates. |
linkedTemplatesBaseUrl | string | No | Location that stores linked templates. Required if 'linked' is set to true. |
linkedTemplatesUrlQueryString | string | No | Query string appended to linked templates uris that enables retrieval from private storage. |
tags | Array<TagConfiguration> | No | List of Tags configurations. |
subscriptionKeyParameterNames | APITemplateSubscriptionKeyParameterNames | No | subscription key parameter name. |
Property | Type | Required | Value |
name | string | Yes | API identifier. Must be unique in the current API Management service instance. |
description | string | No | Description of the API. |
serviceUrl | string | No | Absolute URL of the backend service implementing this API. |
type | enum | No | Type of API. - http or soap |
openApiSpec | string | Yes | Location of the Open API Spec file. Can be url or local file. |
policy | string | No | Location of the API policy XML file. Can be url or local file. |
suffix | string | Yes | Relative URL uniquely identifying this API and all of its resource paths within the API Management service instance. It is appended to the API endpoint base URL specified during the service instance creation to form a public URL for this API. |
subscriptionRequired | boolean | No | Specifies whether an API or Product subscription is required for accessing the API. |
isCurrent | boolean | No | Indicates if API revision is current api revision. |
apiVersion | string | No | Indicates the Version identifier of the API if the API is versioned. |
apiVersionDescription | string | No | Description of the API Version. |
apiRevision | string | No | Describes the Revision of the API. If no value is provided, default revision 1 is created. |
apiRevisionDescription | string | No | Description of the Api Revision. |
apiVersionSetId | string | No | A resource identifier for the related ApiVersionSet. Value must match the resource id on an existing version set and is irrelevant if the apiVersionSet property is supplied. |
operations | Dictionary<string, APIOperationPolicyConfiguration> | No | XML policies that will be applied to operations within the API. Keys must match the operationId property of one of the API's operations. |
authenticationSettings | AuthenticationSettingsContract | No | Collection of authentication settings included into this API. |
products | string | No | Comma separated list of existing products to associate the API with. |
protocols | string | No | Comma separated list of protocols used between client and APIM service. |
diagnostic | APIDiagnosticConfiguration | No | Diagnostic configuration. |
tags | string | No | Comma separated list of tags to associate the API with. Tags can be existing or nonexisting. For nonexisting tags, it will automatically generate new tags on the API instance |
Property | Type | Required | Value |
policy | string | Yes | Location of the operation policy XML file. Can be url or local file. |
Property | Type | Required | Value |
name | enum | No | Name of API Diagnostic - azureEventHub or applicationInsights |
Additional properties found in DiagnosticContractProperties
Property | Type | Required | Value |
id | string | No | ID of the API Version Set. |
Additional properties found in ApiVersionSetContractProperties
Property | Type | Required | Value |
policy | string | No | Location of the Product policy XML file. Can be url or local file. |
Additional properties found in ProductContractProperties
Property | Type | Required | Value |
name | string | Yes | Name of the Logger |
Additional properties found in LoggerContractProperties
Property | Type | Required | Value |
displayName | string | Yes | DisplayName and name of the tag |
Additional properties found in TagContractProperties
Property | Type | Required | Value |
header | string | Yes | header name of the subscription. |
query | string | Yes | query parameter name of the subscription. |
Additional properties found in APITemplateSubscriptionKeyParameterNames
The following is a full config.yml file with each property listed:
version: 0.0.1
apimServiceName: myAPIMService
policy: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFiles\XMLPolicies\globalServicePolicy.xml
- id: myAPIVersionSetID
displayName: swaggerPetstoreVersionSetLinked
description: a description
versioningScheme: Query
versionQueryName: versionQuery
versionHeaderName: versionHeader
- id: secondAPIVersionSetID
displayName: secondSet
description: another description
versioningScheme: Header
versionQueryName: versionQuery
versionHeaderName: versionHeader
- name: myAPI
type: http
description: myFirstAPI
openApiSpec: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFile\OpenApiSpecs\swaggerPetstore.json
policy: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFiles\XMLPolicies\apiPolicyHeaders.xml
suffix: conf
subscriptionRequired: true
isCurrent: true
apiVersion: v1
apiVersionDescription: My first version
apiVersionSetId: myAPIVersionSetID
apiRevision: 1
apiRevisionDescription: My first revision
products: myProduct
tags: Universe, myTag
policy: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFile\XMLPolicies\operationRateLimit.xml
policy: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFile\XMLPolicies\operationRateLimit.xml
products: starter, platinum
authorizationServerId: myAuthServer
scope: myScope
name: applicationinsights
alwaysLog: allErrors
loggerId: myAppInsights
samplingType: fixed
percentage: 50
bytes: 512
bytes: 512
bytes: 512
bytes: 512
enableHttpCorrelationHeaders: true
- displayName: platinum
description: a test product
terms: some terms
subscriptionRequired: true
approvalRequired: true
subscriptionsLimit: 1
state: notPublished
policy: C:\Users\myUsername\Projects\azure-api-management-devops-example\src\APIM_ARMTemplate\apimtemplate\Creator\ExampleFile\XMLPolicies\productSetBodyBasic.xml
- displayName: Universe
- name: myAppInsights
loggerType: applicationInsights
description: a test app insights
instrumentationKey: 45d4v88-fdfs-4b35-9232-731d82d4d1c6
isBuffered: true
- displayName: myAuthServer
description: test server
supportState: true
defaultScope: read write
- authorizationCode
- implicit
- authorizationHeader
clientId: 1
clientSecret: 2
resourceOwnerUsername: un
resourceOwnerPassword: pwd
- title: myBackend
description: description5308
url: https://backendname2644/
protocol: http
- xx
- bb
- val1
- val2
scheme: Basic
parameter: opensesma
username: Contoso\admin
password: opensesame
validateCertificateChain: false
validateCertificateName: false
outputLocation: C:\Users\myUsername\GeneratedTemplates
linked: false
linkedTemplatesBaseUrl :
linkedTemplatesUrlQueryString : ?sv=2018-03-28&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacup&se=2019-12-22T23:12:53Z&st=2019-09-09T14:12:53Z&spr=https&sig=uFTldJEYPH888QVzKb7q7eLq0Xt%2Bu35UTqpFGUYo6uc%3D
Below are the steps to run the Creator from the source code:
- Clone this repository and restore its packages using
dotnet restore
- Navigate to {path_to_folder}/src/APIM_ARMTemplate/apimtemplate directory
- Run the following command:
dotnet run create --configFile CONFIG_YAML_FILE_LOCATION
You can also run it directly from the releases.
This utility generates Resource Manager templates by extracting existing configurations of one or more APIs in an API Management instance.
To be able to run the Extractor, you would first need to install the Azure CLI.
Below are the steps to run the Extractor from the source code:
- Clone this repository and navigate to {path_to_folder}/src/APIM_ARMTemplate/apimtemplate
- Restore its packages using
dotnet restore
- Make sure you have signed in using Azure CLI and have switched to the subscription containing the API Management instance from which the configurations will be extracted.
az login
az account set --subscription <subscription_id>
Please go to "extractorparameters.json" to specify the parameters to pass in or pass an argument --extractorConfig which points to a file as defined below.
Property | Required | Value |
sourceApimName | Yes | Name of the source APIM instance. |
destinationApimName | Yes | Name of the destination APIM instance. |
resourceGroup | Yes | Name of the resource group. |
fileFolder | Yes | Path to output folder |
apiName | No | Name of API. If provided, Extractor executes single API extraction. Otherwise, Extractor executes full extraction. Note: This is the "Name" value as seen in the API settings, not "Display Name" and is case sensitive. |
linkedTemplatesBaseUrl | No | Linked templates remote location. If provided, Extractor generates master template and requires linked templates pushed to remote location. |
linkedTemplatesUrlQueryString | No | String |
policyXMLBaseUrl | No | Policy XML files remote location. If provided, Extractor generates policies folder with xml files, and requires they be pushed to remote location. |
splitAPIs | No | If set to "true", then generate multiple api folders, each api will have a seperate folder, with a separate master template to deploy this api. If this single api has a version set, then a version set folder will generate instead, then all apis that belongs to this version set will be included in the version set folder, apis in this version set can be deployed separately using every api's master template, or they can be deployed together using the master template in "VersionSetMasterFolder" folder |
apiVersionSetName | No | Name of the APIVersionSet. If provided, extract all apis within this apiversionset. It will generate seperate folder for each api and also a master folder to link all apis in this apiversionset |
mutipleAPIs | No | Specify multiple APIs to extract. Generate templates for each API, also generate an aggregated templates folder to deploy these APIs together at a time |
includeAllRevisions | No | Set to "true" will extract all revisions for the single API. Will work only with "apiName" paramter, where you specify which API's revisions to extract. Generate templates for each revision, also generate an aggregated master folder to deploy these revisions together at one time. Note: there are many complicated issues with deploying revisions, make sure your deployment won't overwrite or break the existing ones |
- Can not use "splitAPIs" and "apiName" at the same time, since using "apiName" only extract one API
- Can not use "apiName" and "mutipleAPIs" at the same time
- Can only "includeAllRevisions" with "apiName"
In extractorparams.json file (path: src/APIM_ARMTemplate/apimtemplate/extractorparams.json)
Executing a single API extraction with linked templates and policy file generation, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"apiName": "<api_name>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>"
Extract all APIs with linked templates linking all apis and policy file, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>"
Extract all APIs with seperated api folders, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>",
"splitAPIs": "true"
Extract all APIs within an apiversionset, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>",
"apiVersionSetName": "<api-version-set-name>"
Extract single API with all revisions, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>",
"apiName": "<api_name>",
"includeAllRevisions": "true"
Extract multiple APIs, use the following parameters:
"sourceApimName": "<source-apim-name>",
"destinationApimName": "<destination-apim-name>",
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",
"fileFolder": "<destination-file-folder>",
"linkedTemplatesBaseUrl": "<linked_templates_remote_location>",
"policyXMLBaseUrl": "<policies_remote_location>",
"mutipleAPIs": "api1, api2, api3"
dotnet run extract
You can also run it directly from the releases.