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Releases: agourlay/cornichon


13 Jul 12:07
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new features and improvements

  • Introduce scenarioExecutionParallelismFactor configuration (#385) @agourlay
    • the default behaviour is unchanged

bug fixes

dependency updates


26 Jun 13:38
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new features and improvements

  • Use a more precise Scalatest dependency in cornichon-scalatest 74fbf80
  • Various performance improvements:
    • save_body_path parses session value only once
    • optimise DataTable rendering
    • reduce allocations across the board

bug fixes

  • Do not override Content-Type by default #377

dependency updates


26 May 11:35
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new features and improvements

bug fixes

dependency updates


11 Feb 10:02
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breaking changes

  • the cornichon-check module has been moved into cornichon-core

    • no need to mix with CheckDsl anymore
    • generators moved to com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core
  • RandomContext does not expose its scala.util.Random object anymore.

new features and improvements

Usage: cornichon-test-framework --packageToScan <string> [--featureParallelism <integer>] [--seed <integer>] [--scenarioNameFilter <string>]

Run your cornichon features without SBT.

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --packageToScan <string>
        Package containing the feature files.
    --reportsOutputDir <string>
       Output directory for junit.xml files (default to current).
    --featureParallelism <integer>
        Number of feature running in parallel (default=1).
    --seed <integer>
        Seed to use for starting random processes.
    --scenarioNameFilter <string>
        Filter scenario to run by name.

  • introduce <scenario-unique-number> and <global-unique-number> placeholder generators.

  • improve error reporting for Matcher pointing to nothing

  • show initial request in case of status error assertion

  • gql.withVariables can use different json encoders for each variable #278 by @yanns

dependency updates

  • cats 2.1.0
  • http4s 0.21.0
  • circe 0.13.0
  • monix 3.1.0
  • pure-config 0.12.2


04 Sep 11:17
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This release contains minor change around the global configuration file.

e.g for a file /src/test/resources/reference.conf

cornichon {
  executeScenariosInParallel = false
  traceRequests = false 
  warnOnDuplicateHeaders = true
  failOnDuplicateHeaders = false
  disableCertificateVerification = true

breaking change

  • baseUrl has been renamed to globalBaseUrl for more clarity
    • baseUrl can still be defined at the Feature level otherwise it falls back to globalBaseUrl


  • introduce a new configuration field named disableCertificateVerification to interact with servers with malformed certificate.

    • false by default.
  • fix addAcceptGzipByDefault configuration field which was not working properly

    • true by default

dependency updates

  • Monix 3.0.0-RC5


29 Aug 18:09
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There are quite a few breaking changes in this release, however it should only impact users who are:

  • defining custom steps
  • using the cornichon-kafka module

If you are only using the built-in DSL you should be fine 🤞

Deterministic tests 🎲

The goal of this release is to have deterministic runs via a fixed seed.

class DeterministicFeature extends CornichonFeature {

  override lazy val seed: Option[Long] = Some(1L) 

  def feature =
    Feature("demo deterministic feature") {

      Scenario("always the same") {

        Given I save("my-uuid" -> "<random-uuid>")

        Then assert session_value("my-uuid").is("bb1ad573-19b8-9cd8-68fb-0e6f684df992")


This test will be valid as long as the fixed seed stays the same.

It is also possible to pass the seed via a command argument and not change the code (only in cornichon-test-framework).

testOnly *DeterministicFeature -- "always the same" "--seed=1"

On a failure the initial seed will be provided in the error reporting, enabling you to replay the exact same test even if it contains a source of randomness such as:

  • randomized placeholders (random-uuid, random-string, random-boolean etc.)
  • cornichon-check value generators & transitions
  • custom steps using ScenarioContext.randomContext
  • RandomMapper as extractor

breaking changes

  • EffectStep and Assertion steps now consume a ScenarioContext instead of a Session.

    • example for the effect field:

      effect: Session          Either[CornichonError, Session]
      effect: ScenarioContext  Either[CornichonError, Session]
    • ScenarioContext is a new concept encapsulating all the states of a given scenario.

      trait ScenarioContext {
        val randomContext: RandomContext
        val session: Session
        // uses randomContext to resolve randomized placeholders
        def fillPlaceholders(input: String): Either[CornichonError, String]
    • disclaimer: mutation still exists within RandomContext - it will be tackled in a future release.

  • placeholderResolver is now gone, to resolve placeholders use fillPlaceholders in the ScenarioContext .

  • the underlying Step contract was changed to accommodate the propagation of state.

    trait Step {
      def run(engine: Engine)(initialRunState: RunState): Task[(RunState, FailedStep Either Done)]


    trait Step {
      val stateUpdate: StateT[Task, RunState, FailedStep Either Done]
      def runStep(runState: RunState): Task[(RunState, FailedStep Either Done)] =
  • CornichonJson.parseJsonUnsafe has been renamed to CornichonJson.parseDslJsonUnsafe .

    • aDslJson String can either represent:

      • a JSON object
      • a JSON array
      • a JSON string
      • a datatable
    • If you want to parse regular JSON use CornichonJson.parseString .

  • RandomContext was moved to com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.RandomContext .

  • various changes to the cornichon-kafka DSL #244 .

  • Gzip is now enabled by default.

  • http4s client is now the default http client, replacing akka-http client.

    • The configuration line useExperimentalHttp4sClient must be removed if you were using it as experimental client.
    • the akka dependency has been removed completely.
  • check_model does not take a seed as an input anymore.


  • deterministic run via fixed seed on the feature and command line argument.

  • new matcher on JSON body to check that a field is present and not null.

  • the noisy stack trace appearing when shutting down servers in cornichon-http-mock is now gone.

bug fixes

dependency updates

  • scala 2.12.9
  • http4s 0.20.10
  • pureConfig 0.11.1
  • monix 3.0.0-RC3
  • scalatest 3.0.8
  • caffeine 2.780
  • parboiled 2.1.8
  • akka-http has been removed


07 May 09:45
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breaking changes

  • header assertions are now case-insensitive on the field name

The following assertions are now equivalent"X-Served-Config").isPresent"x-served-config").isPresent
  • ResourceStep renamed to ScenarioResourceStep to clarify that resources are released at the end of a scenario


  • andThen on Step to offer a simpler chain API
def chain(others: Session  List[Step]): Step
def andThen(others: List[Step]): Step
def andThen(other: Step): Step

bug fixes

  • http4s error with debug level #228

dependency updates

  • http4s 0.20.0
  • scalatest 3.0.7
  • akka-http 10.1.8
  • caffeine 2.7.0
  • parboiled 2.1.6


19 Feb 16:25
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Property based testing support

This is the big new feature of that release, a brand-new module to enable property based testing of HTTP API

It offers two flavors of testing, the classical forAll approach and a way to explore API interactions randomly.

For more information please refer to the documentation of the cornichon-check module:

The release also contains the usual batch of breaking changes and improvements.

Breaking changes

  • DebugStep now requires an explicit title

  • ResourceStep was moved to com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.wrapped.ResourceStep

  • RepeatConcurrently has an additional parallelism parameter to work as a stream processor.

In the following example, the nested block will be executed 500 times by groups of 10 in a streaming fashion.

RepeatConcurrently(times = 500, parallelism = 10, maxTime = 10.seconds) {
  Given I get("")
  Then assert
  • now returns an Option

    • None instead of JNull if the path is not present
    • use JsonPath.runStrict to return an error if absent
  • The json body assertions are not conflating a null field with an absent field anymore.

    given the following response body
    { “data” : null }

    in 0.16.x

    body.path(“data”).isAbsent is correct
    body.path(“data”).isPresent is incorrect

    in 0.17.x
    body.path(“data”).isAbsent is incorrect
    body.path(“data”).isPresent is correct

    and additional matcher has been added for that case

  • AttachStep/AttachAsStep now requires Session ⇒ List[Step] instead of a List[Step]

    • it enables FlatMap-like behavior.
  • EffectStep.chainEffects is gone because it promoted the direct usage of the effect function which breaks encapsulation and error reporting.

    • use AttachStep instead to bind steps together.


  • new ConcurrentlyStep to perform a series of steps in parallel
Concurrently(maxTime = 1.seconds) {
  Given I get("")
  Given I get("")
  • new assertions for the size of JSON arrays
body.asArray.size.isBetween(x, y)
  • improve error reporting and logging for cornichon-test-framework

    • the final message reported now contains the full log
    • ignored features will not create noise in the logs
  • new cats.EffectStep which is not using Future but interop with the cats-effects Effect instead

import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats.EffectStep

val myTaskEffect = EffectStep("identity task", s =>
  • add oscillation detection to Eventually in order to fail if the final successful state is not reached with oscillation of errors.
Given I send_async_command_updating_search_index
Eventually(maxDuration = 1.seconds, interval =, oscillationAllowed = false) {
  Given I search_for_new_state
  Then assert

Here, an oscillation could be seen in the status with something like 404 -> 500 -> 404 -> 200.
The oscillation detector would fail the test because of the 404 oscillation.

This flag can come in handy when dealing with eventually consistent system that should converge to a final state without oscillation.

Dependency updates

  • monix 3.0.0-RC2
  • cats 1.6.0
  • circe 0.11.1
  • http4s 0.20.0-M5
  • moved from ficus to PureConfig to manage configuration


02 Oct 12:09
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bug fixes

  • fix scenario filtering for cornichon-test-framework #185


  • when ignoring scenarios or features, the reason passed as parameter will now be printed in the logs to ease debugging

  • a new function ignoredIfDefined is available on Scenario and Feature to enable dynamic toggling based on configuration.

val config = loadMyConfig()

val toggle: Option[String] =
  if (config.ignoreThatFeature) Some("ignored due to local configuration") else None  

def feat = Feature("important feature).ignoredIfDefined(toggle) {...}

dependency updates

  • cats 1.4.0
  • circe 0.10.0


21 Aug 13:37
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breaking changes

  • support for scala 2.11 is discontinued as it caused more issues than I am willing to handle
  • the custom extractor SimpleMapper lost its factory method fromFct. (use the case class constructor instead)
  • remove unecessary type parameter on ResourceStep


  • eventually will now show in the logs all distinct errors encountered to ease debugging
  • new custom extractor RandomMapper(generator: Random ⇒ String) to generate random data in placeholders
  • internal caches are now done properly by using caffeine
  • limit parallelism of scenario execution in cornichon-test-framework in function of the number of cores
  • cornichon-kafka updated to support Kafka 2.0
  • sbt-updates is not pushed as a dependency anymore
  • introduction of new documentation sub-sections