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The trees stood like sentinels, their leaves rustling in the wind. The sun had long since set, and the only light came from the moon, which cast a pale glow over the forest. The forest was a place of legend and myth, and it was said that dragons still roamed its depths. It was also said that wizards still lived in the forest, hiding from the world in their towers. The main character, a young boy named Sylas, had always been fascinated by the stories of the Forest. He had often dreamed of visiting the forest, and now, finally, he was going to get his chance. Sylas's parents had been killed by a dragon, and he had been taken in by the wizard, Kyzax. Kyzax had told Sylas that he was special, that he had the potential to be a great wizard. And so, on this night, Sylas was setting out into the Forest, on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that lived there. He was not afraid, for he knew that he was the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that was coming.
Sylas walked through the forest, his heart pounding in his chest. He was not sure where he was going, but he knew that he had to keep going. He could hear the sound of the dragons in the distance, and he knew that he had to find them. He walked for what felt like hours, until he finally came to a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a tower, and Sylas could see a light shining from the window. He knew that this was where the dragons lived. He took a deep breath and stepped into the clearing. As he did, the light in the window went out. Sylas could see the dragons moving around in the tower, and he knew that he had to confront them. He took a step forward, and the ground started to shake. The dragons were coming down to meet him. Sylas was not afraid, for he knew that he was the chosen one.
The ground shook as the dragons descended from the tower. Sylas could see their enormous size and he knew that he was in for a fight. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons let out a loud roar and started to circle him. Sylas took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to the dragons. He started to speak, but the dragons interrupted him. They told him that he was not the chosen one, and that he could not save the world. Sylas was not sure what to do, but he knew that he had to try. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons started to circle him faster, and Sylas could feel the heat from their bodies. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to them. He took a deep breath and stepped forward again. This time, the ground did not shake. Sylas could see the dragons' eyes, and he knew that he was getting through to them. He told them that he was the chosen one, and that he was going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and flew away. Sylas knew that he had won the battle, and he could feel the power surging through his body. He knew that he was ready to face the evil that was coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shook as the dragons descended from the tower. Sylas could see their enormous size and he knew that he was in for a fight. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons let out a loud roar and started to circle him. Sylas took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to the dragons. He started to speak, but the dragons interrupted him. They told him that he was not the chosen one, and that he could not save the world. Sylas was not sure what to do, but he knew that he had to try. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons started to circle him faster, and Sylas could feel the heat from their bodies. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to them. He took a deep breath and stepped forward again. This time, the ground did not shake. Sylas could see the dragons' eyes, and he knew that he was getting through to them. He told them that he was the chosen one, and that he was going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and flew away. Sylas knew that he had won the battle, and he could feel the power surging through his body. He knew that he was ready to face the evil that was coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shook as the dragons descended from the tower. Sylas could see their enormous size and he knew that he was in for a fight. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons let out a loud roar and started to circle him. Sylas took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to the dragons. He started to speak, but the dragons interrupted him. They told him that he was not the chosen one, and that he could not save the world. Sylas was not sure what to do, but he knew that he had to try. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons started to circle him faster, and Sylas could feel the heat from their bodies. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to them. He took a deep breath and stepped forward again. This time, the ground did not shake. Sylas could see the dragons' eyes, and he knew that he was getting through to them. He told them that he was the chosen one, and that he was going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and flew away. Sylas knew that he had won the battle, and he could feel the power surging through his body. He knew that he was ready to face the evil that was coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shook as the dragons descended from the tower. Sylas could see their enormous size and he knew that he was in for a fight. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons let out a loud roar and started to circle him. Sylas took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to the dragons. He started to speak, but the dragons interrupted him. They told him that he was not the chosen one, and that he could not save the world. Sylas was not sure what to do, but he knew that he had to try. He took a step forward and the ground shook again. The dragons started to circle him faster, and Sylas could feel the heat from their bodies. He knew that he had to find a way to get through to them. He took a deep breath and stepped forward again. This time, the ground did not shake. Sylas could see the dragons' eyes, and he knew that he was getting through to them. He told them that he was the chosen one, and that he was going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and flew away. Sylas knew that he had won the battle, and he could feel the power surging through his body. He knew that he was ready to face the evil that was coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shakes as the dragons descend from the tower. Sylas can see their enormous size and he knows that he is in for a fight. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons let out a loud roar and start to circle him. Sylas takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to the dragons. He starts to speak, but the dragons interrupt him. They tell him that he is not the chosen one, and that he can not save the world. Sylas is not sure what to do, but he knows that he has to try. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons start to circle him faster, and Sylas can feel the heat from their bodies. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to them. He takes a deep breath and steps forward again. This time, the ground does not shake. Sylas can see the dragons' eyes, and he knows that he is getting through to them. He tells them that he is the chosen one, and that he is going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and fly away. Sylas knows that he has won the battle, and he can feel the power surging through his body. He knows that he is ready to face the evil that is coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shakes as the dragons descend from the tower. Sylas can see their enormous size and he knows that he is in for a fight. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons let out a loud roar and start to circle him. Sylas takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to the dragons. He starts to speak, but the dragons interrupt him. They tell him that he is not the chosen one, and that he can not save the world. Sylas is not sure what to do, but he knows that he has to try. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons start to circle him faster, and Sylas can feel the heat from their bodies. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to them. He takes a deep breath and steps forward again. This time, the ground does not shake. Sylas can see the dragons' eyes, and he knows that he is getting through to them. He tells them that he is the chosen one, and that he is going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and fly away. Sylas knows that he has won the battle, and he can feel the power surging through his body. He knows that he is ready to face the evil that is coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shakes as the dragons descend from the tower. Sylas can see their enormous size and he knows that he is in for a fight. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons let out a loud roar and start to circle him. Sylas takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to the dragons. He starts to speak, but the dragons interrupt him. They tell him that he is not the chosen one, and that he can not save the world. Sylas is not sure what to do, but he knows that he has to try. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons start to circle him faster, and Sylas can feel the heat from their bodies. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to them. He takes a deep breath and steps forward again. This time, the ground does not shake. Sylas can see the dragons' eyes, and he knows that he is getting through to them. He tells them that he is the chosen one, and that he is going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and fly away. Sylas knows that he has won the battle, and he can feel the power surging through his body. He knows that he is ready to face the evil that is coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shakes as the dragons descend from the tower. Sylas can see their enormous size and he knows that he is in for a fight. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons let out a loud roar and start to circle him. Sylas takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to the dragons. He starts to speak, but the dragons interrupt him. They tell him that he is not the chosen one, and that he can not save the world. Sylas is not sure what to do, but he knows that he has to try. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons start to circle him faster, and Sylas can feel the heat from their bodies. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to them. He takes a deep breath and steps forward again. This time, the ground does not shake. Sylas can see the dragons' eyes, and he knows that he is getting through to them. He tells them that he is the chosen one, and that he is going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and fly away. Sylas knows that he has won the battle, and he can feel the power surging through his body. He knows that he is ready to face the evil that is coming.
Sylas set out into the forest on a quest to find the dragons and wizards that live there. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one, destined to save the world from the evil that is coming. He finds a tower in a clearing and knows that this is where the dragons live. He is not afraid, for he knows that he is the chosen one. The ground shakes as the dragons descend from the tower. Sylas can see their enormous size and he knows that he is in for a fight. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons let out a loud roar and start to circle him. Sylas takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to the dragons. He starts to speak, but the dragons interrupt him. They tell him that he is not the chosen one, and that he can not save the world. Sylas is not sure what to do, but he knows that he has to try. He takes a step forward and the ground shakes again. The dragons start to circle him faster, and Sylas can feel the heat from their bodies. He knows that he has to find a way to get through to them. He takes a deep breath and steps forward again. This time, the ground does not shake. Sylas can see the dragons' eyes, and he knows that he is getting through to them. He tells them that he is the chosen one, and that he is going to save the world. The dragons let out a loud roar and fly away. Sylas knows that he has won the battle, and he can feel the power surging through his body. He knows that he is ready to face the evil that is coming.