To check whether a observed association between a set of features X
and and outcome Y
is due to
causing Y
, or an unknown confounder Z
, we compare two models in terms of minimum description length:
- The causal model: A Bayesian linear regression model,
- The confounded model: A Probabilistic PCA model.
The model that explains the data better in terms of minimum description length is likely the true model. Please see Section 4 in (Wachinger et al., MedIA, for the full details.
import numpy as np
from compare_models import compare_models
X = np.random.randn(100, 5)
beta = np.zeros(5)
beta[1:] = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=4)
Y = X @ beta
result = compare_models(X, Y, DZ=1)
This will print a table that lists the log-likelihood of
the causal and confounded model for 10 repetitions.
The higher log-likelihood of the causal model, suggests
that X
is indeed the cause of Y
iter | ll_causal | ll_confounded | bayes_factor |
1 | -479.039789 | -822.107921 | 9.830969e+148 |
2 | -479.040413 | -822.155958 | 1.030832e+149 |
3 | -479.041873 | -822.185778 | 1.060485e+149 |
4 | -479.038676 | -822.201896 | 1.081167e+149 |
5 | -479.040882 | -822.394069 | 1.307358e+149 |
6 | -479.040289 | -821.986750 | 8.704735e+148 |
7 | -479.042047 | -822.151386 | 1.024454e+149 |
8 | -479.041100 | -822.115588 | 9.893665e+148 |
9 | -479.041621 | -822.332420 | 1.228286e+149 |
10 | -479.039873 | -821.870923 | 7.755917e+148 |
For our experiments, we used R version 3.6.2 with the following packages:
Package | Version |
abind | 1.4-5 |
askpass | 1.1 |
assertthat | 0.2.1 |
backports | 1.1.5 |
base64enc | 0.1-3 |
bayesplot | 1.7.1 |
betareg | 3.1-3 |
BH | 1.72.0-3 |
bit | 1.1-15.2 |
bit64 | 0.9-7.1 |
bridgesampling | 1.0-0 |
brms | 2.12.0 |
Brobdingnag | 1.2-6 |
callr | 3.4.2 |
checkmate | 2.0.0 |
cli | 2.0.2 |
coda | 0.19-3 |
colorspace | 1.4-1 |
colourpicker | 1.0 |
crayon | 1.3.4 |
crosstalk | 1.0.0 |
curl | 4.3 |
desc | 1.2.0 |
digest | 0.6.25 |
dplyr | 0.8.4 |
DT | 0.12 |
dygraphs | |
ellipsis | 0.3.0 |
evaluate | 0.14 |
fansi | 0.4.1 |
farver | 2.0.3 |
fastmap | 1.0.1 |
filehash | 2.4-2 |
flexmix | 2.3-15 |
Formula | 1.2-3 |
future | 1.16.0 |
ggplot2 | 3.2.1 |
ggridges | 0.5.2 |
globals | 0.12.5 |
glue | 1.3.1 |
gridExtra | 2.3 |
gtable | 0.3.0 |
gtools | 3.8.1 |
hdf5r | 1.3.2 |
htmltools | 0.4.0 |
htmlwidgets | 1.5.1 |
httpuv | 1.5.2 |
igraph | |
inline | 0.3.15 |
IRdisplay | 0.7.0 |
IRkernel | 1.1 |
jsonlite | 1.6.1 |
labeling | 0.3 |
later | 1.0.0 |
lazyeval | 0.2.2 |
lifecycle | 0.1.0 |
listenv | 0.8.0 |
lme4 | 1.1-21 |
lmtest | 0.9-37 |
loo | 2.2.0 |
magrittr | 1.5 |
markdown | 1.1 |
matrixStats | 0.55.0 |
mime | 0.9 |
miniUI | |
minqa | 1.2.4 |
modeltools | 0.2-22 |
munsell | 0.5.0 |
mvtnorm | 1.1-0 |
nleqslv | 3.3.2 |
nloptr | 1.2.1 |
openssl | 1.4.1 |
packrat | 0.5.0 |
pbdZMQ | 0.3-3 |
pillar | 1.4.3 |
pkgbuild | 1.0.6 |
pkgconfig | 2.0.3 |
plogr | 0.2.0 |
plyr | 1.8.5 |
png | 0.1-7 |
prettyunits | 1.1.1 |
processx | 3.4.2 |
promises | 1.1.0 |
ps | 1.3.2 |
purrr | 0.3.3 |
R6 | 2.4.1 |
RColorBrewer | 1.1-2 |
Rcpp | 1.0.3 |
RcppEigen | |
RcppParallel | 4.4.4 |
repr | 1.1.0 |
reshape2 | 1.4.3 |
rlang | 0.4.5 |
rprojroot | 1.3-2 |
rsconnect | 0.8.16 |
rstan | 2.19.3 |
rstanarm | 2.19.3 |
rstantools | 2.0.0 |
rstudioapi | 0.11 |
sandwich | 2.5-1 |
scales | 1.1.0 |
shiny | 1.4.0 |
shinyjs | 1.1 |
shinystan | 2.5.0 |
shinythemes | 1.1.2 |
sourcetools | 0.1.7 |
StanHeaders | 2.21.0-1 |
stringi | 1.4.6 |
stringr | 1.4.0 |
sys | 3.3 |
threejs | 0.3.3 |
tibble | 2.1.3 |
tidyselect | 1.0.0 |
tikzDevice | 0.12.3 |
utf8 | 1.1.4 |
uuid | 0.1-4 |
vctrs | 0.2.3 |
viridisLite | 0.3.0 |
withr | 2.1.2 |
xfun | 0.12 |
xtable | 1.8-4 |
xts | 0.12-0 |
yaml | 2.2.1 |
zeallot | 0.1.0 |
zoo | 1.8-7 |
Our approach to compare causal and confounded models via minimum description length (MDL) is based on the work of Kaltenpoth and Vreeken. We are not your real parents: Telling causal from confounded by MDL. In: ICDM. 2019.