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Running Juicer on a cluster

nchernia edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 17 revisions

Juicer is designed to be run on a cluster system. We have created versions of Juicer that run on Univa, SLURM, and LSF. If you'd like to run in the cloud, please see our AWS directions to get started.

The below directions apply to all systems, including the single node version.

Juicer Quick Start

  1. Choose your cluster system or single CPU. Juicer is currently available in the cloud on AWS, on LSF, Univa, or SLURM, or on a single CPU

  2. Follow the instructions in the Installation section. Be sure you know how to load the required software on your system; cluster systems might have slightly different names, and you might need to change the master "" script to reflect this.

  3. Log into your cluster

  4. Install the appropriate Juicer scripts for your system in a directory; we will assume this directory is /home/user/juicedir. For example, if you were using SLURM, you would copy the folder scripts underneath SLURM to /home/user/juicedir/scripts

  5. Under /home/user/juicedir, there should be a folder references that contains the reference fasta file for your genome and the BWA index files. You can soft-link if necessary, or otherwise download the fasta files from UCSC and run bwa index on the fasta file.

  6. Under /home/user/juicedir, you should also create a folder restriction_sites. This should contain your restriction site file. You can create this file using the Python script, or download already created ones from the Juicer AWS mirror.

  7. [Optional, only for deep maps] Create the bedfile folder under /home/user/juicedir/references/motif and underneath that, two folders: "unique" and "inferred". These folders should contain a combination of RAD21, SMC3, and CTCF BED files.

  8. Create a custom directory (e.g. mkdir -p /custom/filepath/MyHIC)

  9. Download the test data.

  10. Create a fastq directory under the top directory (e.g. cd /custom/filepath/MyHIC; mkdir fastq). Soft-link or copy your fastq files (zipped or unzipped) to that directory

  11. Type screen then launch Juicer:

    /home/user/juicedir/scripts/ [options]

    Running without any options will default to the genome of hg19 and the restriction site of MboI. See Usage for more options; to adjust genome and/or site, use -g <genomeID> and -s <restriction_site>.

    The files will be split if necessary and Juicer will launch.

  12. Sample output; the "exit code 0" statement means that the split successfully completed.

    (-: Looking for fastq files...fastq files exist
    Prepending: UGER (already loaded)
    (-: Aligning files matching HIC001/fastq/_R.fastq in queue short to genome hg19
    (-: Created HIC001/splits and HIC001/aligned. Splitting files
    Your job 95416 ("a1439405283split0") has been submitted
    Job 95416 exited with exit code 0.
    Your job 95419 ("a1439405283split1") has been submitted
    Job 95419 exited with exit code 0.
    (-: Starting job to launch other jobs once splitting is complete
    Your job 95421 ("a1439405283_001000.fastqcountligations") has been submitted
    Your job 95422 ("a1439405283_align1_001000.fastq") has been submitted
    Your job 95423 ("a1439405283_align2_001000.fastq") has been submitted
    Your job 95424 ("a1439405283_merge_001000.fastq") has been submitted
    Your job 95425 ("a1439405283_fragmerge") has been submitted
    Your job 95426 ("a1439405283_osplit") has been submitted
    Your job 95427 ("a1439405283_finallaunch") has been submitted
    Your job 95428 ("a1439405283_done") has been submitted
    (-: Finished adding all jobs... please wait while processing.
  13. Check out the results with the appropriate command in your cluster; bjobs for LSF and AWS, squeue for SLURM, qstat for Univa. The single CPU script will run until it finishes or exits.

  14. If there are no jobs left, type cat debug/finalcheck*; you should see a "Pipeline successfully completed" message. For some clusters, there might be only one file, e.g. lsf.out or uger.out; in this case, type tail lsf.out to see the message.

  15. Results are available in the aligned directory. The Hi-C maps are in inter.hic (for MAPQ > 0) and inter_30.hic (for MAPQ >= 30). The Hi-C maps can be loaded in Juicebox and explored. They can also be used for feature annotation and analysis and to extract matrices at specific resolutions. You can also directly manipulate them with the Straw API

  16. These results also include automatic feature annotation. The output files include a genome-wide annotation of loops and, whenever possible, the CTCF motifs that anchor them (identified using the HiCCUPS algorithm). The files also include a genome-wide annotation of contact domains (identified using the Arrowhead algorithm). The formats of these files are described in the Juicebox tutorial online; both files can be loaded into Juicebox as a 2D annotation.