0.8.3 (2021-12-06)
- autodef: note name is now filtered in generated aliases (4aeff9c)
- toc-template: fix Summary.AllText not include excerpt (4f42c52)
0.8.2 (2021-12-05)
- toc-template: line breaks in Summary.AllText are now replaced with semicolons (f7bcfaf)
0.8.1 (2021-12-04)
- setting-tab: fix alias_below_H1 option not showing up (9aa2763)
0.8.0 (2021-12-04)
- autodef: fix issue on priorities (035170f)
- autopaste: fix note need to be selected twice if clipboard has text before autopaste enabled (fde67ae)
- autopaste: repeatedly selecting on same note/sel/toc no longer trigger change event (f07fd3c)
- autopaste: same note filter is now disabled after copied some text (c48001e)
- input-handler: fix autopaste failed to work on notes selected before autopaste enabled (eac93d9)
- add button below h1 to open src menu (a7d96df)
- add command to open source link (0c0b832)
- adjust heading-src and heading-alias style to in line with h1 (ce525a4)
- autodef: autodef now read text from clipboard (789f87b)
- autopaste: add option to only import note when auto-pasting (c31ba52)
- heading-alias: add live update for aliases under h1 (7259fa3)
- note-template: expose DocTitle and Query in body template of notes (d2a7cec)
- sel-to-alias: update sel-to-alias to support import from mn data (2f0a4c4)
- settings: add option to disable alias below h1 (0132c96), closes #15
- src-menu: "sources" field now accept url as key's value directly (1a0a28c)
- query: revert kebabCase method (b8a821e)
0.7.0 (2021-10-20)
- insert: add support for paste-to-insert on mobile (2842bdf)
- update paste hanlder to support cm6 (87d06aa)
0.6.4 (2021-10-13)
- toc: fix toc failed to insert on mobile (77d9443)
0.6.3 (2021-09-28)
- fix unload not handled properly (a1e8f68), closes /github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/pull/490#issuecomment-928158603
0.6.2 (2021-09-20)
- insert: fix failed to paste plain text (40e852b), closes #8
- setting-tab: fix date time settings not get saved (4197157), closes #7
0.6.1 (2021-09-18)
- fix failed to import picture from url; use wildcard(patch) to comapre version (1601321)
0.6.0 (2021-09-15)
- allow templates to be added to command (2740ee3)
- setting-tab: hide indent char input box when set to true (f6c8e76)
0.5.1 (2021-09-14)
- fix version (966f044)
0.5.0 (2021-09-14)
- cm-tools: fix cursor unchanged when insert new string on mobile (6227901)
- add command to insert mn data; initial mobile support (435b33d)
0.4.0 (2021-09-13)
- toc-template: query now returns dashed name in favor of camel; add Encode for Query (0359532)
- toc-template: add option for indent character (91b5594)
0.3.4 (2021-09-12)
- toc-template: fix tab indent (516f70a)
0.3.3 (2021-09-12)
0.3.2 (2021-09-07)
- paste-handler: fix html being pasted three times with html->md enabled (73888e3)
- icons: add icon for marginnote link in preview mode (e393b44)
0.3.1 (2021-09-04)
- input-handler: fix version failed to compare when they are the same (a2f9a5b)
0.3.0 (2021-09-04)
- add i18n support (58bf4b6)
- add marginnote icons (a5aa0e1)
- lang: add TFunctionFull that reveals all possible key path (0f01131)
- options to select template in editor menu (e1cb45a)
- paste to insert toc (8dec186)
- setting-tab: add date-time format toggle (80b1cbb)
- setting-tab: basic setting interface for templates (20fe87c)
- setting-tab: update template config settings (f13165c)
- settings: muiltple template configs (219d43b)
- support obsidian-bridge v3.0.0 (c244553)
- remove redundant defaultTpl from config (b961add)
0.2.0 (2021-08-30)
- add Comment and Excerpt class; add CmtBreak keyword (c51bd47)
- add support for Mustache template (bee50cf)
- meta now includes page rage of excerpt (228a539)
- add null checks for SelToAilas() to escape when nothing is selected (964ed40)
- link inserts properly in when {p:string[]} is present in body (7261113)
- remove redundant empty lines in the importMeta() output (71177d1)
- frontmatter.ts: rendered frontmatter no longer mixed with first line (0a52394)
- importMeta() no longer create empty lines below frontmatter (01859ab)
- render.ts: html's can be ignored again during turndown (d99d298)
- getSimpleNote() no longer ignore comments (a656417)
- paste event handler no longer block normal paste event (d445550)
- add url scheme for SelToAlias() (d2f4e15)
- settings.ts: add setting tab for noteImportOption (1e9195d)
- add aliasBelowH1 (e14e156)
- add autodef and SelToAlias macro (c6185f7)
- add extractSource macro (55f5ca2)
- add new option to update existing h1 for importMeta() (473e6a0)
- add SourceButton (6fa4e17)
- add unload method for paste handler (6cae321)
- enable autopaste (45c5764)
- migrate code from cpNote and alx-macros (54ea70e)
- use turndown to convert htmlComments (224a026)