All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2018-08-16)
- only generate gql types in src/ (633b7a0)
- units belong to the connection (a61c4e3)
- local fridge should add existing items if they match a suggestion (4376c14)
- Unit now belongs to the fridge ingredient, not to the ingredient itself.
1.5.0 (2018-08-15)
1.4.1 (2018-08-15)
Note: Version bump only for package undefined
1.4.0 (2018-08-15)
1.3.0 (2018-08-15)
- adds privacy disclaimer and global layout (1b263c1)
1.2.1 (2018-08-14)
- more responsive and improved footer (d365a2b)
1.2.0 (2018-08-14)
- implements all password recovery steps (d7bd85c)
- adds missing entities.ts (98c58f2)
- fetch more items by default (95452ff)
- improves responsive margins (d540f87)
- move icon to the other side (b343550)
- performance improvements by parallizing queries (637da5c)
- removes access and reset tokens when user is deleted (07f0a27)
- still displays removed items until page reload (126b9d6)
- temp set flag: wclr/ts-node-dev#25 (91ef82f)
- uses trash icon instead of minus (519f5e6)
- add ability to remove items form the fridge (1a83c4e)
- add instance of ingredient (369ac47)
- add min length to passwords (1d2f9db)
- add user fridge if not existing (8c88f71)
- adding ingredients now changes the amount and doesn't add it multiple times (af1bf30)
- adds ability to add ingredients (cd47671)
- adds ability to query ingredients in local fridge (17dc888)
- adds ablity to delete users (835cf9b)
- adds addIngredient mutation (947186d)
- adds allIngredients query (0785c20)
- adds client with basic auth methods (e7950ef)
- adds errors when applicable (389d56d)
- adds errors when applicable (246cd2b)
- adds frdige content placeholder (2c0ea36)
- adds fridge ingredients connection (788e31d)
- adds fridges and ingredients (bf446d2)
- adds icons (ea02194)
- adds icons based on twemoji (0817f24)
- adds loader (d44ef36)
- adds local fridge (6fa2151)
- adds more units, such as empty and piece (20eedd8)
- adds PageLoader to async load pages (246e7b6)
- adds password reset ability (48c5a76)
- adds popover menu (de4be85)
- adds prettier suggestion box (26eb8f3)
- adds registration/authentication (cbe96c5)
- adds roles (c2a8b43)
- adds roles (8ddb1a3)
- adds typeorm (7ad6242)
- adds units (2314b63)
- complete password reset flow (6626d85)
- display client from server (b0e35d8)
- improves query by joining relation (a2394d7)
- move to sqlite to fix problems with nested entities in mongodb (528c218)