Проект Вычислитель отличий
Возможности утилиты:
- Генерация отчета в виде plain text, pretty и json
- Форматы данных: json, yaml, ini
npm install -g aimml-gendiff
Usage: gendiff [options] <firstConfig> <secondConfig>
Compares two configuration files and shows a difference.
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --format [type] Output format [tree (default), plain, json]
-h, --help output usage information
gendiff <firstConfig> <secondConfig>
common: {
setting1: Value 1
- setting2: 200
+ setting3: {
key: value
- setting3: true
setting6: {
key: value
+ ops: vops
+ setting4: blah blah
+ setting5: {
key5: value5
- group2: {
abc: 12345
+ group3: {
fee: 100500
gendiff --format plain <firstConfig> <secondConfig>
Property 'common.setting2' was removed
Property 'common.setting3' was updated. From: 'true' to complex value
Property 'common.setting6.ops' was added with value: 'vops'
Property 'common.setting4' was added with value: 'blah blah'
Property 'common.setting5' was added with complex value
Property 'group2' was removed
Property 'group3' was added with complex value