Play is small programming language intended for used as a test bed for various compiler, runtime, and debugger technologies. It uses nearley.js and moo.js for building the parser.
To learn more about how Play is built:
- See Play's predecessor: fun-lang.
- Watch this video series to learn how to make a programming language.
- clone this repo
cd play-lang
npm install
npm run gen-parser
- Test out running and debugging a file with:
./run ex/
./debug ex/fib.history
To run a program you use the run
`./run <.play file>`
This should create a history file with the .history
For example, if you ran
, then that should create
the file fib.history
in the same directory. The history file contains all
past execution states of the program.
- return value ref count bug when you have multiple calls in arg list: f(g(), h())
- Terminal Debugger
- hover over vars and display the values like Chrome
- styled function signature
- different layouts
- color codes with heap objects
- keys for QWERTY
- Python version - support lists
- language:
- support dot syntax
- do code challenges
- unintentional variable shadowing is a usability problem
- when a closure variable hasn't been assigned yet, and you try to use it, strange bugs occur
- passing in a nested style object as an attr in createElement doesn't work
- continue working on deleting a todo in todomvc
- VDOM doesn't work with input values
- some syntax errors are excessively long...
- maybe allow evaluating and display results of function calls in debugger
- do some code challenges on CodeWars, etc
- make some toy programs
- anonymous functions as closure providers
- use static analysis to check for references of undefined functions
- debugger: don't show vdom?
- clean up closures when functions are no longer referenced
- clean up unused heap variables?
- heap display goes into disarray when there is too much data
- bug: why is styles object nested in example?
- numbers nested inside objects are always being interpreted as heap IDs, we may need ref objects to * distinguish refs
- there seems to be a bug with VDOM when changes styles across multiple calls to setStyle()
- Canvas API
- when scrubbing the timeline, have the code display pan to the selected line
- syntax highlighter for Atom and/or VS Code
- improve speed of logger. Ideas: (done)
- compare with file-based logger
- try batching insert with different batch sizes
- register objects as they are created so that $save does not have to traverse (done)
- automatic reference counting
- count up for function parameters (done)
- count up for elements array literals (done)
- count up for values in dictionary literals (done)
- count down for elements of arrays on pop frame (done)
- count down for entries of dictionaries on pop frame (done)
- count up for assignments to array elements (done)
- count up for assignments to dictionary entries (done)
- count down for old value on assignments (done)
- count down for old value on array assignments (done)
- count down for old value on dictionary assignments (done)
- case: a parameter to a function is in the closure provider, we need to use $setHeapVariable to initial it in the closure, and remove it from the initialization of stack variables
- gather closure info function, doesn't work with the loop iterator variable of a for loop
- suspend execution while in debugger mode
- display closure variables in stack frame within debugger
- UI for time-traveling (1st draft done)
- DOM events
- make closures work...
- Use AST traversal to figure out which functions need closures from which functions, plus the variable list
- For functions whose variables are dependent on by inner functions, we need to:
- allocate an aptly named closure ($_closure) (a dictionary) for storing variables with
- add the closure created above to the $pushFrame call
- For each inner function that depends on an outer closure:
- add the list of closures we need to the $pushFrame call
- For each variable access to a variable in a closure, call the $setHeapVariable or $getHeapVariable functions in place of $setVariable or $getVariable
for each function, we come up with the closures it needs:
funName: "initialUI",
variables: ["label"]
funName: "main",
variables: ["counter"]