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Phil Bradley
Nov 2, 2021
e057d18 · Nov 2, 2021


This branch is 125 commits behind FredHutch/tfcb_2022:main.


Lecture 10: Python data analysis with pandas and scikit-learn

This final section on Python will provide more depth to your understanding of the Python packages widely used for statistical and data analysis: pandas, numpy and scikit-learn (all of which come installed with Anaconda!).

Learning objectives

  • Apply functions from numpy to manipulate multidimensional numeric data
  • Import, manipulate, and visualize data with pandas
  • Understand and apply common methods in machine learning using scikit-learn

Class materials

  • The content for this lecture is containing in the Jupyter notebook lectures10and11.ipynb located in this directory.

  • We recommend making a copy of that notebook (naming it something different, like my_lectures10and11.ipynb), to prevent conflicts when pulling any changes for the next lecture.