AzureADAccessRules contains access rules specific to Azure Active Directory authentication.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AdEndpoint | string | The audience in the JWT. | [optional] |
BoundGroupIds | List<string> | The list of group ids that login is restricted to. | [optional] |
BoundResourceGroups | List<string> | The list of resource groups that login is restricted to. | [optional] |
BoundResourceIds | List<string> | The list of full resource ids that the login is restricted to. | [optional] |
BoundResourceNames | List<string> | The list of resource names that the login is restricted to (e.g, a virtual machine name, scale set name, etc). | [optional] |
BoundResourceProviders | List<string> | The list of resource providers that login is restricted to (e.g, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.ManagedIdentity, etc). | [optional] |
BoundResourceTypes | List<string> | The list of resource types that login is restricted to (e.g, virtualMachines, userAssignedIdentities, etc). | [optional] |
BoundServicePrincipalIds | List<string> | The list of service principal IDs that login is restricted to. | [optional] |
BoundSubscriptionIds | List<string> | The list of subscription IDs that login is restricted to. | [optional] |
BoundTenantId | string | The tenants id for the Azure Active Directory organization. | [optional] |
Issuer | string | Issuer URL | [optional] |
JwksUri | string | The URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server. | [optional] |
UniqueIdentifier | string | A unique identifier to distinguish different users | [optional] |