CreateUSC is a command that creates a Universal Secrets Connector
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AzureKvName | string | Azure Key Vault name (Relevant only for Azure targets) | [optional] |
DeleteProtection | string | Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] | [optional] |
Description | string | Description of the Universal Secrets Connector | [optional] |
Json | bool | Set output format to JSON | [optional] [default to false] |
K8sNamespace | string | K8s namespace (Relevant to Kubernetes targets) | [optional] |
Name | string | Universal Secrets Connector name | |
Tags | List<string> | List of the tags attached to this Universal Secrets Connector | [optional] |
TargetToAssociate | string | Target Universal Secrets Connector to connect | |
Token | string | Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) | [optional] |
UidToken | string | The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication | [optional] |