gwUpdateRemoteAccessSessionLogsSyslog is a command that updates session log forwarding config (syslog target)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Enable | string | Enable Log Forwarding [true/false] | [optional] [default to "true"] |
EnableTls | bool | Enable tls relevant only for network type TCP | [optional] |
Formatter | string | Syslog formatter [text/cef] | [optional] [default to "text"] |
Host | string | Syslog host | [optional] |
Json | bool | Set output format to JSON | [optional] [default to false] |
Network | string | Syslog network [tcp/udp] | [optional] [default to "tcp"] |
OutputFormat | string | Logs format [text/json] | [optional] [default to "text"] |
PullInterval | string | Pull interval in seconds | [optional] [default to "10"] |
TargetTag | string | Syslog target tag | [optional] [default to "use-existing"] |
TlsCertificate | string | Syslog tls certificate | [optional] [default to "use-existing"] |
Token | string | Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) | [optional] |
UidToken | string | The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication | [optional] |