AddTag |
List<string> |
List of the new tags that will be attached to this item |
[optional] |
AllowAnyName |
bool |
If set, clients can request certificates for any CN |
[optional] |
AllowCopyExtFromCsr |
bool |
If set, will allow copying the extra extensions from the csr file (if given) |
[optional] |
AllowSubdomains |
bool |
If set, clients can request certificates for subdomains and wildcard subdomains of the allowed domains |
[optional] |
AllowedDomains |
string |
A list of the allowed domains that clients can request to be included in the certificate (in a comma-delimited list) |
[optional] |
AllowedExtraExtensions |
string |
A json string containing the allowed extra extensions for the pki cert issuer |
[optional] |
AllowedUriSans |
string |
A list of the allowed URIs that clients can request to be included in the certificate as part of the URI Subject Alternative Names (in a comma-delimited list) |
[optional] |
AutoRenew |
bool |
Automatically renew certificates before expiration |
[optional] |
ClientFlag |
bool |
If set, certificates will be flagged for client auth use |
[optional] |
CodeSigningFlag |
bool |
If set, certificates will be flagged for code signing use |
[optional] |
Country |
string |
A comma-separated list of countries that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
CreatePrivateCrl |
bool |
Set this to allow the issuer will expose a CRL endpoint in the Gateway |
[optional] |
CreatePublicCrl |
bool |
Set this to allow the cert issuer will expose a public CRL endpoint |
[optional] |
CriticalKeyUsage |
string |
Mark key usage as critical [true/false] |
[optional] [default to "true"] |
DeleteProtection |
string |
Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] |
[optional] |
Description |
string |
Description of the object |
[optional] |
DestinationPath |
string |
A path in which to save generated certificates |
[optional] |
EnableAcme |
bool |
If set, the cert issuer will support the acme protocol |
[optional] |
ExpirationEventIn |
List<string> |
How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified. |
[optional] |
GwClusterUrl |
string |
The GW cluster URL to issue the certificate from. Required in Public CA mode, to allow CRLs on private CA, or to enable ACME |
[optional] |
IsCa |
bool |
If set, the basic constraints extension will be added to certificate |
[optional] |
Json |
bool |
Set output format to JSON |
[optional] [default to false] |
KeyUsage |
string |
key-usage |
[optional] [default to "DigitalSignature,KeyAgreement,KeyEncipherment"] |
Locality |
string |
A comma-separated list of localities that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
Metadata |
string |
Deprecated - use description |
[optional] |
Name |
string |
PKI certificate issuer name |
NewName |
string |
New item name |
[optional] |
NotEnforceHostnames |
bool |
If set, any names are allowed for CN and SANs in the certificate and not only a valid host name |
[optional] |
NotRequireCn |
bool |
If set, clients can request certificates without a CN |
[optional] |
OrganizationalUnits |
string |
A comma-separated list of organizational units (OU) that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
Organizations |
string |
A comma-separated list of organizations (O) that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
PostalCode |
string |
A comma-separated list of postal codes that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
ProtectCertificates |
bool |
Whether to protect generated certificates from deletion |
[optional] |
Province |
string |
A comma-separated list of provinces that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
RmTag |
List<string> |
List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item |
[optional] |
ScheduledRenew |
long |
Number of days before expiration to renew certificates |
[optional] |
ServerFlag |
bool |
If set, certificates will be flagged for server auth use |
[optional] |
SignerKeyName |
string |
A key to sign the certificate with, required in Private CA mode |
[default to "dummy_signer_key"] |
StreetAddress |
string |
A comma-separated list of street addresses that will be set in the issued certificate |
[optional] |
Token |
string |
Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) |
[optional] |
Ttl |
string |
The maximum requested Time To Live for issued certificates, in seconds. In case of Public CA, this is based on the CA target's supported maximum TTLs |
UidToken |
string |
The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication |
[optional] |