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File metadata and controls

49 lines (45 loc) · 4.95 KB



Name Type Description Notes
allowAnyName Boolean If set, clients can request certificates for any CN [optional]
allowCopyExtFromCsr Boolean If set, will allow copying the extra extensions from the csr file (if given) [optional]
allowSubdomains Boolean If set, clients can request certificates for subdomains and wildcard subdomains of the allowed domains [optional]
allowedDomains String A list of the allowed domains that clients can request to be included in the certificate (in a comma-delimited list) [optional]
allowedExtraExtensions String A json string containing the allowed extra extensions for the pki cert issuer [optional]
allowedUriSans String A list of the allowed URIs that clients can request to be included in the certificate as part of the URI Subject Alternative Names (in a comma-delimited list) [optional]
autoRenew Boolean Automatically renew certificates before expiration [optional]
caTarget String The name of an existing CA target to attach this PKI Certificate Issuer to, required in Public CA mode [optional]
clientFlag Boolean If set, certificates will be flagged for client auth use [optional]
codeSigningFlag Boolean If set, certificates will be flagged for code signing use [optional]
country String A comma-separated list of countries that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
createPrivateCrl Boolean Set this to allow the issuer will expose a CRL endpoint in the Gateway [optional]
createPublicCrl Boolean Set this to allow the cert issuer will expose a public CRL endpoint [optional]
criticalKeyUsage String Mark key usage as critical [true/false] [optional] [default to 'true']
deleteProtection String Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] [optional]
description String Description of the object [optional]
destinationPath String A path in which to save generated certificates [optional]
enableAcme Boolean If set, the cert issuer will support the acme protocol [optional]
expirationEventIn [String] How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified. [optional]
gwClusterUrl String The GW cluster URL to issue the certificate from. Required in Public CA mode, to allow CRLs on private CA, or to enable ACME [optional]
isCa Boolean If set, the basic constraints extension will be added to certificate [optional]
json Boolean Set output format to JSON [optional] [default to false]
keyUsage String key-usage [optional] [default to 'DigitalSignature,KeyAgreement,KeyEncipherment']
locality String A comma-separated list of localities that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
metadata String Deprecated - use description [optional]
name String PKI certificate issuer name
notEnforceHostnames Boolean If set, any names are allowed for CN and SANs in the certificate and not only a valid host name [optional]
notRequireCn Boolean If set, clients can request certificates without a CN [optional]
organizationalUnits String A comma-separated list of organizational units (OU) that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
organizations String A comma-separated list of organizations (O) that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
postalCode String A comma-separated list of postal codes that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
protectCertificates Boolean Whether to protect generated certificates from deletion [optional]
province String A comma-separated list of provinces that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
scheduledRenew Number Number of days before expiration to renew certificates [optional]
serverFlag Boolean If set, certificates will be flagged for server auth use [optional]
signerKeyName String A key to sign the certificate with, required in Private CA mode [default to 'dummy_signer_key']
streetAddress String A comma-separated list of street addresses that will be set in the issued certificate [optional]
tag [String] List of the tags attached to this key [optional]
token String Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) [optional]
ttl String The maximum requested Time To Live for issued certificates, in seconds. In case of Public CA, this is based on the CA target's supported maximum TTLs
uidToken String The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication [optional]