Name | Type | Description | Notes |
deleteProtection | String | Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] | [optional] |
description | String | Description of the object | [optional] |
gkeAccountKey | String | GKE Service Account key file path | [optional] |
gkeClusterCert | String | GKE cluster CA certificate | [optional] |
gkeClusterEndpoint | String | GKE cluster URL endpoint | [optional] |
gkeClusterName | String | GKE cluster name | [optional] |
gkeServiceAccountEmail | String | GKE service account email | [optional] |
json | Boolean | Set output format to JSON | [optional] [default to false] |
name | String | Dynamic secret name | |
producerEncryptionKeyName | String | Dynamic producer encryption key | [optional] |
secureAccessAllowPortForwading | Boolean | Enable Port forwarding while using CLI access | [optional] |
secureAccessBastionIssuer | String | Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion | [optional] |
secureAccessClusterEndpoint | String | The K8s cluster endpoint URL | [optional] |
secureAccessEnable | String | Enable/Disable secure remote access [true/false] | [optional] |
secureAccessWeb | Boolean | Enable Web Secure Remote Access | [optional] [default to false] |
tags | [String] | Add tags attached to this object | [optional] |
targetName | String | Target name | [optional] |
token | String | Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) | [optional] |
uidToken | String | The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication | [optional] |
userTtl | String | User TTL | [optional] [default to '60m'] |