Name | Type | Description | Notes |
useDefaultIdentityBool | Boolean | [optional] | |
accessId | String | The access ID of the Kubernetes auth method | [optional] |
disableIssuerValidation | String | Disable issuer validation [true/false] | [optional] |
json | Boolean | Set output format to JSON | [optional] [default to false] |
k8sAuthType | String | K8S auth type [token/certificate]. (relevant for "native_k8s" only) | [optional] [default to 'token'] |
k8sCaCert | String | The CA Certificate (base64 encoded) to use to call into the kubernetes API server | [optional] |
k8sClientCertificate | String | Content of the k8 client certificate (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only) | [optional] |
k8sClientKey | String | Content of the k8 client private key (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only) | [optional] |
k8sHost | String | The URL of the kubernetes API server | [optional] |
k8sIssuer | String | The Kubernetes JWT issuer name. K8SIssuer is the claim that specifies who issued the Kubernetes token | [optional] |
name | String | K8S Auth config name | [optional] |
newName | String | K8S Auth config new name | [optional] |
rancherApiKey | String | The api key used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "rancher" only) | [optional] |
rancherClusterId | String | The cluster id as define in rancher (relevant for "rancher" only) | [optional] |
signingKey | String | The private key (base64 encoded) associated with the public key defined in the Kubernetes auth | [optional] |
token | String | Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) | [optional] |
tokenExp | Number | Time in seconds of expiration of the Akeyless Kube Auth Method token | [optional] |
tokenReviewerJwt | String | A Kubernetes service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "native_k8s" only). If not set, the JWT submitted in the authentication process will be used to access the Kubernetes TokenReview API. | [optional] |
uidToken | String | The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication | [optional] |
useGwServiceAccount | String | Use the GW's service account | [optional] |