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gatewayUpdateMigration is a command that update migration


Name Type Description Notes
_1password_email str 1Password user email to connect to the API [optional]
_1password_password str 1Password user password to connect to the API [optional]
_1password_secret_key str 1Password user secret key to connect to the API [optional]
_1password_url str 1Password api container url [optional]
_1password_vaults list[str] 1Password list of vault to get the items from [optional]
service_account_key_decoded str [optional]
ad_discover_services str Enable/Disable discovery of Windows services from each domain server as part of the SSH/Windows Rotated Secrets. Default is false. (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional] [default to 'false']
ad_discovery_types list[str] Set migration discovery types (domain-users, computers, local-users). (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_os_filter str Filter by Operating System to run the migration, can be used with wildcards, e.g. SRV20* (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_ssh_port str Set the SSH Port for further connection to the domain servers. Default is port 22 (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional] [default to '22']
ad_target_format str Relevant only for ad-discovery-types=computers. For linked, all computers will be migrated into a linked target(s). if set with regular, the migration will create a target for each computer. [optional] [default to 'linked']
ad_targets_type str Set the target type of the domain servers [ssh/windows](Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional] [default to 'windows']
ad_winrm_over_http str Use WinRM over HTTP, by default runs over HTTPS [optional] [default to 'false']
ad_winrm_port str Set the WinRM Port for further connection to the domain servers. Default is 5986 (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional] [default to '5986']
ad_auto_rotate str Enable/Disable automatic/recurrent rotation for migrated secrets. Default is false: only manual rotation is allowed for migrated secrets. If set to true, this command should be combined with --ad-rotation-interval and --ad-rotation-hour parameters (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_computer_base_dn str Distinguished Name of Computer objects (servers) to search in Active Directory e.g.: CN=Computers,DC=example,DC=com (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_discover_local_users str Enable/Disable discovery of local users from each domain server and migrate them as SSH/Windows Rotated Secrets. Default is false: only domain users will be migrated. Discovery of local users might require further installation of SSH on the servers, based on the supplied computer base DN. This will be implemented automatically as part of the migration process (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) Deprecated: use AdDiscoverTypes [optional]
ad_domain_name str Active Directory Domain Name (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_domain_users_path_template str Path location template for migrating domain users as Rotated Secrets e.g.: .../DomainUsers/{{USERNAME}} (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_local_users_ignore str Comma-separated list of Local Users which should not be migrated (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_local_users_path_template str Path location template for migrating domain users as Rotated Secrets e.g.: .../LocalUsers/{{COMPUTER_NAME}}/{{USERNAME}} (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_rotation_hour int The hour of the scheduled rotation in UTC (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_rotation_interval int The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation [1-365] (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_sra_enable_rdp str Enable/Disable RDP Secure Remote Access for the migrated local users rotated secrets. Default is false: rotated secrets will not be created with SRA (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_target_name str Active Directory LDAP Target Name. Server type should be Active Directory (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_targets_path_template str Path location template for migrating domain servers as SSH/Windows Targets e.g.: .../Servers/{{COMPUTER_NAME}} (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_user_base_dn str Distinguished Name of User objects to search in Active Directory, e.g.: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
ad_user_groups str Comma-separated list of domain groups from which privileged domain users will be migrated. If empty, migrate all users based on the --ad-user-base-dn (Relevant only for Active Directory migration) [optional]
aws_key str AWS Secret Access Key (relevant only for AWS migration) [optional]
aws_key_id str AWS Access Key ID with sufficient permissions to get all secrets, e.g. 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:[Region]:[AccountId]:secret:[/path/to/secrets/*]' (relevant only for AWS migration) [optional]
aws_region str AWS region of the required Secrets Manager (relevant only for AWS migration) [optional] [default to 'us-east-2']
azure_client_id str Azure Key Vault Access client ID, should be Azure AD App with a service principal (relevant only for Azure Key Vault migration) [optional]
azure_kv_name str Azure Key Vault Name (relevant only for Azure Key Vault migration) [optional]
azure_secret str Azure Key Vault secret (relevant only for Azure Key Vault migration) [optional]
azure_tenant_id str Azure Key Vault Access tenant ID (relevant only for Azure Key Vault migration) [optional]
gcp_key str Base64-encoded GCP Service Account private key text with sufficient permissions to Secrets Manager, Minimum required permission is Secret Manager Secret Accessor, e.g. 'roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor' (relevant only for GCP migration) [optional]
hashi_json str Import secret key as json value or independent secrets (relevant only for HasiCorp Vault migration) [true/false] [optional] [default to 'true']
hashi_ns list[str] HashiCorp Vault Namespaces is a comma-separated list of namespaces which need to be imported into Akeyless Vault. For every provided namespace, all its child namespaces are imported as well, e.g. nmsp/subnmsp1/subnmsp2,nmsp/anothernmsp. By default, import all namespaces (relevant only for HasiCorp Vault migration) [optional]
hashi_token str HashiCorp Vault access token with sufficient permissions to preform list & read operations on secrets objects (relevant only for HasiCorp Vault migration) [optional]
hashi_url str HashiCorp Vault API URL, e.g. https://vault-mgr01:8200 (relevant only for HasiCorp Vault migration) [optional]
id str Migration ID (Can be retrieved with gateway-list-migration command) [optional]
json bool Set output format to JSON [optional] [default to False]
k8s_ca_certificate list[int] For Certificate Authentication method K8s Cluster CA certificate (relevant only for K8s migration with Certificate Authentication method) [optional]
k8s_client_certificate list[int] K8s Client certificate with sufficient permission to list and get secrets in the namespace(s) you selected (relevant only for K8s migration with Certificate Authentication method) [optional]
k8s_client_key list[int] K8s Client key (relevant only for K8s migration with Certificate Authentication method) [optional]
k8s_namespace str K8s Namespace, Use this field to import secrets from a particular namespace only. By default, the secrets are imported from all namespaces (relevant only for K8s migration) [optional]
k8s_password str K8s Client password (relevant only for K8s migration with Password Authentication method) [optional]
k8s_skip_system bool K8s Skip Control Plane Secrets, This option allows to avoid importing secrets from system namespaces (relevant only for K8s migration) [optional]
k8s_token str For Token Authentication method K8s Bearer Token with sufficient permission to list and get secrets in the namespace(s) you selected (relevant only for K8s migration with Token Authentication method) [optional]
k8s_url str K8s API Server URL, e.g. (relevant only for K8s migration) [optional]
k8s_username str For Password Authentication method K8s Client username with sufficient permission to list and get secrets in the namespace(s) you selected (relevant only for K8s migration with Password Authentication method) [optional]
name str Migration name [optional]
new_name str New migration name [optional]
protection_key str The name of the key that protects the classic key value (if empty, the account default key will be used) [optional]
si_auto_rotate str Enable/Disable automatic/recurrent rotation for migrated secrets. Default is false: only manual rotation is allowed for migrated secrets. If set to true, this command should be combined with --si-rotation-interval and --si-rotation-hour parameters (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional]
si_rotation_hour int The hour of the scheduled rotation in UTC (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional]
si_rotation_interval int The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation [1-365] (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional]
si_sra_enable_rdp str Enable/Disable RDP Secure Remote Access for the migrated local users rotated secrets. Default is false: rotated secrets will not be created with SRA (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional] [default to 'false']
si_target_name str SSH, Windows or Linked Target Name. (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration)
si_user_groups str Comma-separated list of groups to migrate users from. If empty, all users from all groups will be migrated (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional]
si_users_ignore str Comma-separated list of Local Users which should not be migrated (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration) [optional]
si_users_path_template str Path location template for migrating users as Rotated Secrets e.g.: .../Users/{{COMPUTER_NAME}}/{{USERNAME}} (Relevant only for Server Inventory migration)
target_location str Target location in Akeyless for imported secrets
token str Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) [optional]
uid_token str The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication [optional]

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