⚠️ In active development along with liblcd and libinfluxdb
System Daemon for Real-Time Monitoring
Lots of the code from benchmarks can be included into this.
Main focus:
- collect system information
- send information to central DB (influx or maria)
- visualize with grafana from DB connector
- display on connected I2C display on devices GPIOs (KiCAD, circuit design, and some protoboard soldering will be needed)
- Running on 32-bit and 64-bit systems
The use case here is my home network/lab setup with a plethora of single board computers (Jetsons, RPis, beaglebones, MCUs, etc) that I want to monitor system info live such as VRAM, RAM, CPU temp, usage, processes, etc, etc
- liblcd for I2C LCD interaction
- Make
- gcc
- c99
Compile with make
sysd is CLI-based by nature with 3 main modes.
- Default (simple monitoring and logging)
- Publish (monitoring and data transmission to central host)
- Subscribe (collect from publisher)