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Releases: akkadotnet/

Akka.NET v1.4.28

10 Nov 23:28
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1.4.28 November 10 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4
Akka.NET v1.4.28 is a minor release that contains some enhancements for Akka.Streams and some bug fixes.

New Akka.Streams Stages
Akka.NET v1.4.28 includes two new Akka.Streams stages:

  • Source.Never - a utility stage that never emits any elements, never completes, and never fails. Designed primarily for unit testing.
  • Flow.WireTap - the WireTap stage attaches a given Sink to a Flow without affecting any of the upstream or downstream elements. This stage is designed for performance monitoring and instrumentation of Akka.Streams graphs.

In addition to these, here are some other changes introduced Akka.NET v1.4.28:

If you want to see the full set of changes made in Akka.NET v1.4.28, click here.

16 2707 1911 Sean Killeen
8 1088 28 Ismael Hamed
6 501 261 Gregorius Soedharmo
5 8 8 dependabot[bot]
4 36 86 Aaron Stannard
1 1 0 Jarl Sveinung Flø Rasmussen

Special thanks for @SeanKilleen for contributing extensive Markdown linting and automated CI checks for that to our documentation! #5312


  • 6157f96 Merge pull request #5378 from akkadotnet/dev
  • ef8536a Added v1.4.28 release notes (#5377)
  • 7ba59b4 adding NuGet logo and README support (#5183)
  • 9c06864 add .NET 6 SDK support (#5373)
  • 783665e Bump NUnit3TestAdapter from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#5369)
  • 6a2c757 Sets InternalsVisibleTo for Akka.Management.Cluster.Http (#5363)
  • 28246c4 Ported WireTap combinator (#5357)
  • 7732fc7 made GraphStageLogic.LogSource virtual and change default StageLogic LogSource (#5360)
  • 048ea84 Add spec to check that Akka.Cluster.Metrics can be started automatically (#5359)
  • fd458b6 Bump Fsharp.Core from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 (#5358)
See More
  • db28aa3 Brings back StreamTcpException static field Instance (#5356)
  • 59ca115 Add a more comprehensive non-breaking user feedback for misconfigured discovery settings (#5353)
  • d2acaab Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.11.0 to 17.0.0 (#5348)
  • 838b6a3 Fix Udp.Bind always returns Udp.Bound with IPv6 endpoint (#5349)
  • ef057f7 Markdown linting: build steps and last fixes (#5345)
  • 855208f Markdown linting: Headings / Headers (#5343)
  • 77b7b50 Markdown linting: Unordered Lists + MD019 for headers (#5330)
  • e854f0c Markdown linting: Convert emphasis to headings (#5342)
  • 312fd26 Markdown linting: Whitespace (#5332)
  • a274a89 Small clarification of recovery strategy in config (#5340)
  • 7ab3727 Fix wrong placeholder for nightlies (#5341)
  • cd93348 Source that flattens a task source and keeps the materialized value (#5338)
  • c072243 Fix SubSinkInlet.SetHandler should expect an IInHandler instead of InHandler (#5337)
  • c490553 Added Source.Never (#5339)
  • cf6d58e Markdown linting: Blockquotes (#5320)
  • 9270abc Bump Akka.MultiNode.TestAdapter from 1.0.0-beta2 to 1.0.0 (#5335)
  • 347b2da Fix DefaultResizer for suspended mailboxes (ReceiveAsync) (#5333)
  • 72798d6 [MNTR] Migrate to standalone MNTR (#5307)
  • fc41ef4 Make DisabledBufferPool as the default buffer pool implementation for UDP (#5331)
  • 6cb69d2 Spaces in OLs (#5323)
  • ab8beb0 Markdown linting: HTML in markdown (#5324)
  • 8853504 Add language to markdown code blocks (#5322)
  • 7346dec Markdown linting: rest of the blank lines rules (#5319)
  • 514c007 Markdown linting: blank lines around fences (MD031) (#5317)
  • cb28679 Markdown linting: Brackets around bare URLs (#5316)
  • e8001dc Hard tabs to 4 spaces (#5315)
  • 175eabd Markdown linting: Blank lines around headers (MD022) (#5314)
  • 05b8fe4 Markdown linting: "atx" and "atx-closed" categories (#5313)
  • fb381b3 Add spellcheck for docs (#5309)
  • 0ea1fab Cancel DBCommand after finish reading events by PersistenceId (#5311)
  • 550a010 Bump Microsoft.Data.SQLite from 5.0.10 to 5.0.11 (#5308)
  • 4cbe61d Added v1.4.28 placeholder for nightlies (#5306)

This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.27

11 Oct 17:18
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1.4.27 October 11 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4
Akka.NET v1.4.27 is a small release that contains some major performance improvements for Akka.Remote.

Performance Fixes
In RemoteActorRefProvider address paring, caching and resolving improvements Akka.NET contributor @Zetanova introduced some major changes that make the entire ActorPath class much more reusable and more parse-efficient.

Our last major round of Akka.NET performance improvements in Akka.NET v1.4.25 produced the following:

OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ProcessorCount:                    16
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ
Actor Count:                       32
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)
Is Server GC:                      True
Thread count:                      111

Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]
         1,  200000,    130634,    1531.54
         5, 1000000,    246975,    4049.20
        10, 2000000,    244499,    8180.16
        15, 3000000,    244978,   12246.39
        20, 4000000,    245159,   16316.37
        25, 5000000,    243333,   20548.09
        30, 6000000,    241644,   24830.55

In Akka.NET v1.4.27 those numbers now look like:

OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.
ProcessorCount:                    16                            
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ                         
Actor Count:                       32                            
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)                 
Is Server GC:                      True                          
Thread count:                      111                           
Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]                   
         1,  200000,    105043,    1904.29                       
         5, 1000000,    255494,    3914.73                       
        10, 2000000,    291843,    6853.30                       
        15, 3000000,    291291,   10299.75                       
        20, 4000000,    286513,   13961.68                       
        25, 5000000,    292569,   17090.64                       
        30, 6000000,    281492,   21315.35

To put these numbers in comparison, here's what Akka.NET's performance looked like as of v1.4.0:

Num clients (actors)    Total [msg] Msgs/sec    Total [ms]
1   200000  69736   2868.60
5   1000000 141243  7080.98
10  2000000 136771  14623.27
15  3000000 38190   78556.49
20  4000000 32401   123454.60
25  5000000 33341   149967.08
30  6000000 126093  47584.92

We've made Akka.Remote consistently faster, more predictable, and reduced total memory consumption significantly in the process.

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.27 here

3 89 8 Aaron Stannard
1 856 519 Andreas Dirnberger
1 3 4 Vadym Artemchuk
1 261 233 Gregorius Soedharmo
1 1 1 dependabot[bot]


This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.26

28 Sep 21:36
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1.4.26 September 28 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4
Akka.NET v1.4.26 is a very small release that addresses one wire format regression introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.20.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.26 here

4 99 96 Gregorius Soedharmo
3 79 5 Aaron Stannard
1 1 1 dependabot[bot]


  • 2f92a5a Merge pull request #5294 from akkadotnet/dev
  • 46604f0 added v1.4.26 release notes (#5293)
  • 8f45d70 Added HOCON comment for (#5292)
  • 302e3cb Change PrimitiveSerializer compatibility switch setting name from use-neutral-primitives to use-legacy-behavior for less ambiguity (#5290)
  • dc44359 Added Akka.NET v1.4 upgrade advisories area to website (#5289)
  • eb955c2 Modify MNTR to work with the new MNTR package (#5288)
  • 084156e Revert #5180, switching back to original LightningDB packages. (#5286)
  • 6101fea Add backward compatibility to PrimitiveSerializers (#5280)
  • 708b539 Bump Microsoft.Data.SQLite from 5.0.9 to 5.0.10 (#5277)
  • ed3807d Update

This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.25

08 Sep 17:11
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1.4.25 September 08 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4
Akka.NET v1.4.25 includes some significant performance improvements for Akka.Remote and a number of important bug fixes and improvements.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Performance Improvements
Using our standard RemotePingPong benchmark, the difference between v1.4.24 and v1.4.25 is significant:


OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 
ProcessorCount:                    16                              
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ                           
Actor Count:                       32                              
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)                   
Is Server GC:                      True                            
Thread count:                      111                             
Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]                     
         1,  200000,     96994,    2062.08                         
         5, 1000000,    194818,    5133.93                         
        10, 2000000,    198966,   10052.93                         
        15, 3000000,    199455,   15041.56                         
        20, 4000000,    198177,   20184.53                         
        25, 5000000,    197613,   25302.80                         
        30, 6000000,    197349,   30403.82                         


OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ProcessorCount:                    16
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ
Actor Count:                       32
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)
Is Server GC:                      True
Thread count:                      111

Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]
         1,  200000,    130634,    1531.54
         5, 1000000,    246975,    4049.20
        10, 2000000,    244499,    8180.16
        15, 3000000,    244978,   12246.39
        20, 4000000,    245159,   16316.37
        25, 5000000,    243333,   20548.09
        30, 6000000,    241644,   24830.55

This represents a 24% overall throughput improvement in Akka.Remote across the board. We have additional PRs staged that should get aggregate performance improvements above 40% for Akka.Remote over v1.4.24 but they didn't make it into the Akka.NET v1.4.25 release.

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.25 here

32 1301 400 Aaron Stannard
4 358 184 Andreas Dirnberger
3 414 149 Gregorius Soedharmo
3 3 3 dependabot[bot]
2 43 10 zbynek001
1 14 13 tometchy
1 139 3 carlcamilleri


  • 42061a3 Merge pull request #5275 from akkadotnet/dev
  • f12e0b0 Akka.NET v1.4.25 Release Notes (#5274)
  • 024c684 obsolete Akka.Actor.Failure and use and improve Akka.Actor.Status (#5226)
  • 8279ed4 Make sure stdout-loglevel setting is honored through the whole actor system lifecycle (#5251)
  • 8f168fc experimenting with RemoteActorRefProvider address resolution performance (#5228)
  • 8a42eda Fix Dns.Resolve issue by using ContinueWith and AggregateException.Flatten (#5260)
  • 48a704c Ask should push unhandled answers into deadletter 2 (#5259)
  • 1f779fe disable Actor_PipeTo_should_not_be_delayed_by_async_receive (#5271)
  • 8d5de94 harden SqliteCurrentAllEventsSpec (#5270)
  • 2a3390c harden ClusterShardingLeavingSpec (#5164)
See More

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Akka.NET v1.4.24

17 Aug 22:18
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1.4.24 August 17 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Bug Fixes and Improvements

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.24 here

5 360 200 Aaron Stannard
3 4 4 dependabot[bot]
1 548 333 Arjen Smits
1 42 19 Martijn Schoemaker
1 26 27 Andreas Dirnberger
1 171 27 Gregorius Soedharmo


See More

This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.23

10 Aug 02:44
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1.4.23 August 09 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Akka.NET v1.4.23 is designed to patch an issue that occurs on Linux machines using Akka.Cluster.Sharding with akka.cluster.sharding.state-store-mode=ddata and akka.cluster.sharding.remember-entities=on: "System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'lmdb' or one of its dependencies"

In Akka.NET v1.4.21 we added built-in support for Akka.DistributedData.LightningDb for use with the remember-entities setting, but we never received any reports about this issue until shortly after v1.4.22 was released. Fundamentally, the problem was that our downstream dependency, Lightning.NET, doesn't include any of the necessary Linux native binaries in their distributions currently. So in the meantime, we've published our own "vendored" distribution of Lightning.NET to NuGet until a new official one is released that includes these binaries.

There are some other small fixes included in Akka.NET v1.4.23 and you can read about them here.

8 136 2803 Aaron Stannard
2 61 3 Gregorius Soedharmo


  • be40344 Merge pull request #5189 from akkadotnet/dev
  • d572fae added v1.4.23 release notes (#5188)
  • 6b4a913 use Failure to programmatically cancel Ask (#5187) [ #3019 ]
  • 0673dc3 move Akka.DistributedData.LightningDb onto vendored package (#5180)
  • 0bd23c9 fix MNTR local build for .NET 5 (#5177)
  • 7997b58 Add remember entities storage type documentation (#5179)
  • f58c5fe Revert "Remove LightningDB reference in cluster sharding, make ddata non-durable as default (#5175)" (#5178)
  • c851ef4 Remove LightningDB reference in cluster sharding, make ddata non-durable as default (#5175)
  • 5a7ece8 Pruned (#5176)
  • b7dd4b7 fix RemoteActorRefProvider.CreateRemoteRef signature to return IInternalActorRef (#5173)
See More
  • 00a8517 Merge pull request #5172 from Aaronontheweb/remote/RemoteActorRefProvider-cleanup
  • 7f751f3 Added v1.4.23 placeholder

This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.22

05 Aug 23:55
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1.4.22 August 05 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Akka.NET v1.4.22 is a fairly large release that includes an assortment of performance and bug fixes.

Performance Fixes
Akka.NET v1.4.22 includes a significant performance improvement for Ask<T>, which now requires 1 internal await operation instead of 3:


Method Iterations Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
RequestResponseActorSelection 10000 83.313 ms 0.7553 ms 0.7065 ms 4666.6667 - - 19 MB
CreateActorSelection 10000 5.572 ms 0.1066 ms 0.1140 ms 953.1250 - - 4 MB


Method Iterations Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
RequestResponseActorSelection 10000 71.216 ms 0.9885 ms 0.9246 ms 4285.7143 - - 17 MB
CreateActorSelection 10000 5.462 ms 0.0495 ms 0.0439 ms 953.1250 - - 4 MB

Bug Fixes and Improvements

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.22 here

In addition to the work done on Akka.NET itself, we've also created a separate tool for cleaning up any left-over data in the event of an Akka.Cluster.Sharding cluster running with akka.cluster.sharding.state-store-mode=persistence was terminated abruptly before it had a chance to cleanup.

We've added documentation to the Akka.NET website that explains how to use this tool here:

And the tool itself has documentation here:

16 1254 160 Gregorius Soedharmo
7 104 83 Aaron Stannard
5 8 8 dependabot[bot]
4 876 302 Ismael Hamed
2 3942 716 zbynek001
2 17 3 Andreas Dirnberger
1 187 2 andyfurnival
1 110 5 Igor Fedchenko

Akka.NET v1.4.21

16 Jun 13:37
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1.4.21 June 16 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Akka.NET v1.4.21 is a significant release that includes major performance improvements, bug fixes, and a major update to the Akka.DependencyInjection NuGet package.

Performance Improvements
Akka.NET v1.4.21 includes some major performance fixes and improvements:

Our observed performance numbers for Akka.Remote show a significant increase in performance for v1.4.21 over v1.4.20:


PS> dotnet run -c Release --framework netcoreapp3.1      
OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ProcessorCount:                    16
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ
Actor Count:                       32
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)
Is Server GC:                      True
Thread count:                      109

Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]
         1,  200000,    113379,    1764.56
         5, 1000000,    186429,    5364.05
        10, 2000000,    185340,   10791.11
        15, 3000000,    183218,   16374.06
        20, 4000000,    179824,   22244.63
        25, 5000000,    182716,   27365.89
        30, 6000000,    182039,   32960.61


PS> dotnet run -c Release --framework netcoreapp3.1                
OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 
ProcessorCount:                    16                              
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ                           
Actor Count:                       32                              
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)                   
Is Server GC:                      True                            
Thread count:                      111                             
Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]                     
         1,  200000,    109770,    1822.14                         
         5, 1000000,    192902,    5184.79                         
        10, 2000000,    191663,   10435.53                         
        15, 3000000,    191339,   15679.11                         
        20, 4000000,    192725,   20755.78                         
        25, 5000000,    189754,   26350.14                         
        30, 6000000,    189772,   31617.20                         

N.B. these after numbers don't benefit from the performance benefits we observed in v1.4.20 when we invoked ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(0,0), which makes them even more impressive.

Akka.DependencyInjection Updates
We had one major issue we implemented in v1.4.21 for Akka.DependencyInjection: Abstraction of ServiceProvider, Improving Akka.DependencyInjection

What this change did was:

  • Deprecate the Akka.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider class in favor of the Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolver class - to avoid namespace collision with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider;
  • Deprecates the Akka.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderSetup class in favor of the Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolverSetup class for consistency reasons;
  • Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolver now takes an input of type IDependencyResolver, which allows users to abstract away the IServiceProvider and mock / replace it during unit testing; and
  • Added some non-generic Props methods for dynamically spawning actors via DI.

All of these changes are backwards-compatible with v1.4.20 and earlier - and the deprecation warnings will appear in your code when you upgrade. If you run into any issues upgrading to Akka.DependencyInjection v1.4.21 please reply on this thread!

Other Changes and Fixes

To see the full set of fixes in Akka.NET v1.4.21, please see the milestone on Github.

5 34 24 Aaron Stannard
4 196 77 Gregorius Soedharmo
3 3 3 dependabot[bot]
1 2 2 Wessel Kranenborg
1 1 1 Martijn Schoemaker


  • a8347c5 Merge pull request #5096 from akkadotnet/dev
  • 5c9f8a7 v1.4.21 final release notes (#5095)
  • 5d557d0 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.9.4 to 16.10.0 (#5041)
  • fa5ca50 Add failure handling for BatchingSqlJournal SelectCurrentPersistenceIds message batching (#5094)
  • 0210e21 Fix GSet elements needs to be sorted (#5093)
  • 456d795 TestKit ReceiveWhile did not insert last inspected message properly. (#5092)
  • c485d9e cleaned up internal ActorCell and TestKit methods (#5091)
  • dfd7925 Return T from `IDependencyResolver.GetService() (#5087) [ #5086 ]
  • 6a7373f Fix Akka.Remote serialization exception bubbling and messages (#5072)
  • 35b1bb5 added FQDN reproduction for ActorPath.Parse (#5084) [ #5083 ]
See More
Read more

Akka.NET v1.4.21-beta1

04 Jun 14:53
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1.4.21-beta1 June 03 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Akka.NET v1.4.21 is a significant release that includes major performance improvements, bug fixes, and a major update to the Akka.DependencyInjection NuGet package.

Performance Improvements
Akka.NET v1.4.21 includes some major performance fixes and improvements:

Our observed performance numbers for Akka.Remote show a significant increase in performance for v1.4.21 over v1.4.20:


PS> dotnet run -c Release --framework netcoreapp3.1      
OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ProcessorCount:                    16
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ
Actor Count:                       32
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)
Is Server GC:                      True
Thread count:                      109

Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]
         1,  200000,    113379,    1764.56
         5, 1000000,    186429,    5364.05
        10, 2000000,    185340,   10791.11
        15, 3000000,    183218,   16374.06
        20, 4000000,    179824,   22244.63
        25, 5000000,    182716,   27365.89
        30, 6000000,    182039,   32960.61


PS> dotnet run -c Release --framework netcoreapp3.1                
OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 
ProcessorCount:                    16                              
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ                           
Actor Count:                       32                              
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)                   
Is Server GC:                      True                            
Thread count:                      111                             
Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]                     
         1,  200000,    109770,    1822.14                         
         5, 1000000,    192902,    5184.79                         
        10, 2000000,    191663,   10435.53                         
        15, 3000000,    191339,   15679.11                         
        20, 4000000,    192725,   20755.78                         
        25, 5000000,    189754,   26350.14                         
        30, 6000000,    189772,   31617.20                         

N.B. these after numbers don't benefit from the performance benefits we observed in v1.4.20 when we invoked ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(0,0), which makes them even more impressive.

Akka.DependencyInjection Updates
We had one major issue we implemented in v1.4.21 for Akka.DependencyInjection: Abstraction of ServiceProvider, Improving Akka.DependencyInjection

What this change did was:

  • Deprecate the Akka.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider class in favor of the Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolver class - to avoid namespace collision with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider;
  • Deprecates the Akka.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderSetup class in favor of the Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolverSetup class for consistency reasons;
  • Akka.DependencyInjection.DependencyResolver now takes an input of type IDependencyResolver, which allows users to abstract away the IServiceProvider and mock / replace it during unit testing; and
  • Added some non-generic Props methods for dynamically spawning actors via DI.

All of these changes are backwards-compatible with v1.4.20 and earlier - and the deprecation warnings will appear in your code when you upgrade. If you run into any issues upgrading to Akka.DependencyInjection v1.4.21 please reply on this thread!

Other Changes and Fixes

To see the full set of fixes in Akka.NET v1.4.21, please see the milestone on Github.

12 999 160 Aaron Stannard
10 410 299 Gregorius Soedharmo
4 853 520 Ismael Hamed
4 5 5 dependabot[bot]
1 6 2 Brah McDude
1 428 67 Sam Ember
1 1 1 Martin


See More
  • c21289e Remove Uri.TryParse and replace with Span<char> parsing (#5039) [ #4814 ]
  • 98ef574 changed job configuration for ActorMemoryFootprintBenchmark (#5048)
  • 1938a20 added dedicated footprint for measuring Actor memory footprint (#5047)
  • 73d19af Add ActorSystemSetup setup (#5045)
  • 410066f [MNTR] fix test dll loading error (#5044)
  • c663bc2 Abstraction of ServiceProvider, Improving Akka.DependencyInjection (#4814)
  • 99afc0e Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.17.1 to 3.17.2 (#5040)
  • 3dc2e35 Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.17.0 to 3.17.1 (#5036)
  • b888b40 A couple of fixes affecting the FileSubscriber (#5035)
  • 431b69e Turn on DData related ClusterSharding MNTR specs (#4926)
  • 3f8fa29 Improve MurmurHash string hash memory footprint (#5028)
  • 6f5b003 remove ActorPath.ToString call from ResolveActorRefWithLocalAddress (#5034)
  • 99be70b Consolidate intercept (#5033)
  • 61d08b7 Fix a potential race condition in FileSubscriber (#5032)
  • 5294e9a added FastHash benchmark (#5029)
  • aa8a3de adding ORSet benchmarks (#4990)
  • b5f6552 Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.16.0 to 3.17.0 (#5012)
  • d0afa72 Bump BenchmarkDotNet from 0.12.1 to 0.13.0 (#5024)
  • 0869e49 Increase timeout value to avoid timeout failure (#5021)
  • 3f6182c Fix AkkaProtocolStressTest spec (#5020)
  • 1875c32 Enable skipped specs, they're working now (#5018)
  • e51d46b Enable skipped batching SQLite specs, these runs just fine now. (#5017)
  • 594eb7c [RACY] LoggerSpec TestOutputLogger Make sure that event receive order does not matter (#5015)
  • bc5a2e4 Fix SonarQube's "IEnumerable LINQs should be simplified" / Code Smell (#5013)
  • 0ef7f07 Merge pull request #5011 from brah-mcdude/dev
  • 3ebbfcf Update (#5009)

This list of changes was auto generated.

Akka.NET v1.4.20

12 May 17:56
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1.4.20 May 12 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4

Akka.NET v1.4.20 is a minor release that includes some bug fixes and improvements to Akka.NET.

To see the full set of fixes in Akka.NET v1.4.20, please see the milestone on Github.

4 677 316 Gregorius Soedharmo
3 3 3 dependabot[bot]
3 101 44 Ismael Hamed
2 5 0 Aaron Stannard
1 625 675 Matthew Heaton


  • 758590f Merge pull request #5008 from akkadotnet/dev
  • b6c9661 added v1.4.20 release notes (#5007)
  • ecaf9a1 marking Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common as beta for v1.4.20 (#5006)
  • a5ce79f Bump Microsoft.Data.SQLite from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6 (#5005)
  • d52b852 Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.15.8 to 3.16.0 (#4999)
  • 188fc0b Reduce sharding warnings when there are no buffered messages (#5003)
  • eff4e4b Bump FsCheckVersion from 2.15.2 to 2.15.3 (#5000)
  • 55c1175 Remove restrictions required by netstandard 1.x but available in 2.0 (#3790) [ #3668 ]
  • fb61262 Prevent loggers to throw FormatException and show a friendly message instead. (#4998)
  • bfcb703 Fixed some internal-dispatcher usages (#4995)
See More
  • f591c58 Re-add missing ExceptionEventFilterTests spec, file was commented out. (#4994)
  • e5d079a Fix BatchingSqlJournal emitting WriteMessageSuccess before transaction was complete. (#4953)
  • 63e0fb9 Fixed QueueSource PostStop and added a missing test case (#4991)
  • 25246ac Change the base class of PrimitiveSerializers to SerializerWithStringManifest (#4989)
  • 46d4707 Update (#4988)

This list of changes was auto generated.