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Various features of Video Conferncing Services:

  1. Schedule Meetings and Generate Token Book on demand meetings or schedule meetings and generate token which is required for connection to a session/room on the client side.

  2. List Archives Get a specific archive or list a set of archives for the recorded meetings.

  3. Configure storage target Set Storage settings to store archives to custom s3 bucket or Microsoft Azure Storage.

  4. Webhook Events Webhook Events (such as session or webhook) when configured receive events from third party. These events are used to store session attendees or store archive information. For Vonage, you need to add this microserivce server url in your current vonage project so it will receive webhook events. See Vonage Documentation for more information.


npm i @sourceloop/video-conferencing-service

Usage - integrating with main app

In order to use this component into your LoopBack application, please follow below steps.

Add component to application.

import { VideoConfServiceComponent } from '@sourceloop/video-conferencing-service';

export class ClientComponent extends BootMixin(
) {
  constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {

DB migrations

Since database migrations run using db-migrate package, we need to supply .env file to provide database configuration parameters. All other configurations parameters will be injected to and from context.

Using config

export class VideoConfServiceComponent extends BootMixin(
) {
  constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
    // example showing Vonage Binding
        apiKey: process.env.VONAGE_API_KEY;
        apiSecret: process.env.VONAGE_API_SECRET;

APIs available (Currently Vonage is Supported)

  1. Session Creation and Generating Token

POST /session

Used for Creating a session with options such as end to end encryption, archive mode. Note: Archving Option cannot be enabled while using end to end encryption, otherwise an Error will be thrown. Successful execution will send a meeting link id which can be used to amend in client url.

POST /session/{meetingLinkId}/token

Used for Generating token, which is used for connecting to a room/session on a client side. In vonage, there are three different roles (Moderator, Subscriber, Publisher). We can use expire time for limited validity of a token. Successful execution will send a token.

PATCH /session/{meetingLinkId}/end

Used to stop the current active meeting. Meeting cannot be stopped again if it is already stopped. Successful execution will add the endTime attribute to a recently ending session.

  1. List and deleting Archive(s)

GET /archives

Used to fetch a list of archives (meetings that were recorded).

GET /archives/{archiveId}

Used to fetch a specific archive w.r.t archiveId. If archive is not present, it will throw HTTP Not Found Error.

DELETE /archives/{archiveId}

Used to delete a specific archive w.r.t archiveId. If archive is not present, it will throw HTTP Not Found Error.

  1. Session Webhook

POST /webhooks/session

Webhook API hit from a third party to add/update session attendees in a meeting. For configuration in vonage, see Session Monitoring

  1. Storage Target

PUT /archives/storage-target

Configures custom storage target to a custom Amazon s3 bucket or Microsoft Azure Storage.


If you've noticed a bug or have a question or have a feature request, search the issue tracker to see if someone else in the community has already created a ticket. If not, go ahead and make one! All feature requests are welcome. Implementation time may vary. Feel free to contribute the same, if you can. If you think this extension is useful, please star it. Appreciation really helps in keeping this project alive.