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Retrieving survey questions

pelleaardema edited this page May 15, 2014 · 12 revisions

GET: questions


Retrieves a list of questions from a selected survey


Requires a survey Id



Request data

parameter description
surveyId The Id of the survey of which you want to retrieve the questions

Response fields

field description type
questions.type The type of the question, choices are FREE_TEXT, OPTION, NUMBER, GEO, PHOTO, VIDEO, DATE, SCAN String
questions.path Logical path to the question String
questions.displayName The name of the question as shown on screen String
questions.order position (order) of the question in this question group
questions.text name of the question (REDUNDANT?) String
questions.questionTypeString The type of the question (REDUNDANT?) String
questions.tip A question hint that can be shown to the user String
questions.keyId The Id of the question Integer
questions.surveyId The Id of the survey the question belongs to Integer
questions.questionGroupId The Id of the question group the question belongs to Integer
questions.metricId ?? Integer
questions.dependentFlag Indicates whether this question is dependent on the answer of a previous question Boolean
questions.questionDependency ?? QuestionId of the question this question is dependent on, null otherwise Integer
questions.dependentQuestionAnswer Answer of the dependent question
questions.dependentQuestionId QuestionId of the question this question is dependent on, null otherwise Integer
questions.questionOptions Contains an array of question options if the question type = OPTIONS Array
questions.questionHelpList ??
questions.optionList IDENTICAL TO questionOptions??
questions.mandatoryFlag Whether this question is mandatory Boolean
questions.allowDecimal Allow decimal values: true/false Boolean
questions.allowSign Allow... Boolean
questions.allowMultipleFlag Allow multiple answers: true/false Boolean
questions.allowOtherFlag Allow other answer: true/false Boolean
questions.collapseable Whether this question is collapsible Boolean
questions.immutable ?? Boolean
questions.geoLocked geolocked 'true' for GEO type questions Boolean
questions.requireDoubleEntry ?? Boolean
questions.optionContainerDto ??
questions.minVal minimum accepted value (for numeric questions) Integer
questions.maxVal maximum accepted value (for numeric questions) Integer
questions.isName ?? Boolean
questions.sourceId ??
questions.translationMap ??

Example request

    "path":"1.6.8 Ruarcc Test Group/1.6.8 All Questions/Group 1",
    "displayName":"free text question",
    "text":"free text question",		
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