2.14.0 (2024-11-15)
- react controlled input by fill useForm defaultValues (702acbb)
- update ThemeProviderProps import path (22dd529)
2.13.0 (2024-10-28)
- update shadcn ui component (1db7b90)
- update trpc setup more stable app rsc (d2bc85d)
- upgrade next-15 (637aa8f)
2.12.0 (2024-08-17)
- remove read schedule status from edge config (ffa01b8)
2.11.1 (2024-08-09)
- revert to vercel public domain (7c72c82)
2.11.0 (2024-08-04)
- project maintenance status (8d2b4e7)
- remove maintainer warning (33dc82c)
- replace TRPCClientError with TRPCError (9ff2810)
- reset password error (01f127b)
2.10.0 (2024-08-01)
- project maintenance status (85ae28a)
2.9.0 (2024-06-12)
- add global-error page (d8aae0b)
- add show password button (def8ae4)
- adjust ui for larger screen (8d148f2)
- better error handling for login (074ee8c)
- remove BASE_URL env (1f2adb5)
- show password in register and reset password form (1aacbfc)
- unused middleware route config (75789ba)
- update next-auth to v5 (5f9aa87)
- upgrade trcp to v11 (4693a3b)
- use base url to retrive main url (3cc0ce1)
- api endpoint url (4ee7f3d)
- ci: remove version spec when setup pnpm (1f9de69)
- handle error thrown by authorize() (5ff1915)
- parse semester from string to int (8ddf188)
- prisma tidb adapter name (38de16f)
- reduce grid cols size for large screen (eb401ee)
- trpc type error session user id (42aa204)
- type import for RouterInputs and RouterOutputs (da22a80)
- typo page function name (01b8943)