Releases: albugowy15/informatics-frs-helper
Releases · albugowy15/informatics-frs-helper
What's Changed
- fix: replace TRPCError with TRPCClientError when calling trpc inside server actions
- fix: playwright webServer runner command
- refactor: much smaller components and pages file
- fix: fix TRPCClientError during build with unstable_noStore()
- fix: remove cookies
- style: use next default lint
- chore: update next 14.1
- fix: move revalidatePath and redirect outside try catch block
- fix: cache revalidate and redirect with server action
- fix: unique email and username validation when updating profile
- chore: update prisma
- fix: font size to big and flex gap to small
- chore: update dependencies
- feat: remove public-api page
- chore: update prisma
- feat: public api page
- feat: move footer social media item to social media config
- feat: move account dropdown options to navigation config
- fix: same font size and style for text below action button
- feat: replace all lucide icons to @radix-ui/react-icons
- feat: update shadcn/ui latest components changes
- chore: replace lucide-react with @radix-ui/react-icons and update dependencies
- fix: shadcn/ui detect tailwind config file in .ts
- feat: use sonner for toast notifications
- chore: remove radix ui toast and add sonner
- chore: prettier ignore formatting pnpm lock file
- chore: update dependencies
- feat: add frs chart X Y label
- chore: update dependencies
- feat: Add SpeedInsights and Analytics components
- refactor: refactor component props
- perf: concurrent promise, error handling, unnecessary api calls
- fix: Fix UI rendering issues and update dependencies
- feat: statistic page
- fix: Fix tradeMatkul delete button disable state
- chore: update dependencies
- chore: enable fetch logging
- Add renovate.json
- feat: match new t3 trpc and eslint config
- fix: Fix typos and formatting issues in code
- chore: update .env.example to match current .env file
- fix: wrong semester selectitem passing semester id
- refactor: update latest shadcn/ui component
- refactor: call toast from useToast returned object
- chore: update dependencies
- feat: Update
- feat: Create
- perf: use crypto.randomUUID() to generate component key
- perf: remove useEffect and cache total sks value with useMemo
- fix: unique component key
- feat: modal to popover component
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.7.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade to next 14
- Update prisma and use planetscale adapter for prisma
- Sticky frs form when create or update a frs plan
green theme color- New eslint and prettier configuration
- Scrollable select input
- Consistent zod schema accros different pages
- Add e2e test with playwright
- Switch package manager to pnpm
- Minor ui changes
What's Changed
- All pages export metadata
- Protect some middleware for authenticated user (login, register, lupa-password, reset-password)
- Improve initial load performance with lazy import for external libraries
- Remove trpc logging
- User can make their phone number and id line empty
- Force refetch data after every mutation
- Refactor page structure
Informatics FRS Helper V2 is coming
- Now using app directory with React Server Components
- New looks with shadcn/ui
- Support light and dark mode theme switch
- New interface when create and update myFRS plan
- Display current filter in url for all filter functionality. See
Jadwal Kelas
andTrade Matkul
pages - Limit request password reset after 5 mins
- Dependency updates
- Security patch
Full Changelog: 1.8.2...2.0.0
What's Changed
New Feature
- Login with username or email
- Reset password only with email
- Class subject ordered asc
- Edge config for class schedule status
Bug Fix
- trade matkul filter based on
- email reset password with resend
- Class table schema changes
- Update docs
- Style change
- Update dependencies
What's Changed
- Now support class with team teaching lecturers
- Improved db performance, thank's to Prisma 5.0
- Update dependencies
- Update docs
- Meaningful error message
- Fix
dependabot security issue
Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.3.0
What's Changed
- reset password by @albugowy15 in #57
- app limitations by @albugowy15 in #58
- Update all Yarn dependencies (2023-06-27) by @depfu in #60
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2
What's Changed
- use npm for test.yml by @albugowy15 in #51
- Update all Yarn dependencies (2023-06-20) by @depfu in #53
- add github discussion
- update documentation and report page
- add vercel analytics
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
What's Changed
- most taken classes by @albugowy15 in #38
- loading indicator when navigate between pages by @albugowy15 in #41
- retrive user id from trpc context by @albugowy15 in #44
- update all dependencies (2023-06-06) by @depfu in #47
- server side frs validation by @albugowy15 in #49
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
What's Changed
- Update all Yarn dependencies (2023-05-09) by @depfu in #29
- password confirmation on register page by @albugowy15 in #34
- disable ms edge reveal password button by @albugowy15 in #35
- ssr for react hook form default value by @albugowy15 in #36
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0