- High contrast mode
- API 1.13.0
- Added localization for all supported languages
- Segoe UI font families were removed from properties
- Default font family changed to Arial
- Fix issue when cells overlap Y axis labels in reading view.
- Fix displaying min negative value in legend
- Fix issue when zero value displays as null
- Option to configure displaying of cells with null values
- Table cell max height limited by 60px
- Default axis label colors changed to grey
- Fixed minimal size of SVG in the visual to display legend labels
- UPD: API was updated to 1.7.0
- Add fond settings for axis labels and data labels in cells
- Cells scale depends on text size
- Add auto-scroll if chart doesn't fit into viewport
- Add gradient color selection feature as alternative for pre defined colorbewers
- Add bucket number limitation from 1 to 18 for gradient colors
- Add bucket number limitation between min and max buckets in from set for pre defined colorbewers
- X axis labels properties
- Y axis labels properties
- Add tolltips by tooltip services
- Fix bug when left upper cell draws on axis label position if first value in the category is null
- Left and top margins of grid depend from height and width values of axis labels
- Add property to limit number of symbols in Y axis labels text
- Data labels displaying in cells