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All started with a question: is Interactor worth to have as a dependency in a project?
I see it in a bunch or projects, but I've never a fully positive answer to my own question.
I'll try to chat about:
- what is an interactor?
- is an interactor better than a PORO?
- does an interactor materialize business logic?
- is an interactor OO? Is it functional?
- what Interactor lacks? Could we enrich it?
The gem in this repo will serve as practical demonstrator of the subjects. We'll use it to add some additional bricks to a basic interactor and to test a conceptually different approach. And we'll see how hard could be to implement a custom - rough and basic - solution by having the source code at hand.
"Interactor", "service object" and "action" are considered synonyms in this text. It's not by correctness, but for simplicity sake. Discussing about eventual differences is not the point here.
"Organizer", "orchestrator" are considered synonyms.
"Compose" is used generically and not always in the most correct sense.
We'll start this journey taking Interactor gem as comparison and starting point. This is a discussion about software design and micro-architecture, not about the value of the gem. It's not a rant, just a comment about the solution Interactor represents. Interactor has its place and his story. And its authors and contributors deserve all the thanks.
A quote from https://github.com/collectiveidea/interactor#what-is-an-interactor
An interactor is a simple, single-purpose object.
Interactors are used to encapsulate your application's business logic. Each interactor represents one thing that your application does.
Given this description:
An interactor is a simple, single-purpose object.
this should be the simplest implementation
class Orders::UserNotification
def notify_shipment(order, user)
# ...
If that's enough for you: well done. You don't need a gem, a library, a pattern. You're writing in an object oriented language and all you need is an object. Lucky you!
a glance at that directory [app/interactors, ndr] gives any developer a quick understanding of everything the application does.
That's not understanding.
Walk, eat, poop doesn't make you understand it's a cat.
Who «does»? When does it «do»? Why it «does» that thing? In which order? I'm convinced that knowing single actions doesn't bring anything to business workflows comprehension.
Unfortunately in many teams and scenarios it's really hard to write an
object! Let's imagine: you're working with a team on a Rails project.
The team sticks to the rails way. Where you'll add your object? Should be a
Do you have the time/position to propose to create a new subdirectory beneath
? Or a new top-level folder app/something
Let's admit: often you're on a Rails app where
the only business layer are models (and Rails models are a mixture - no negative
suppositions - of entities and business logic) and the team has no other
internal conventions about additional layering.
Service objects have gained enough popularity in the community to justify a new
3rd party requiring a new folder beneath app/
; and moreover it's not a
design/organization decision that weighs on your shoulders: that's the gem
My take is:
- gems like collectiveidea/interactor bring few small advantages to the project
- maybe the cost of the dependency is not worth?
- developers in a Rails project often feel afraid of autonomously structuring the domain layer: the feeling of abandoning the rails way, breaking the conventional structure, could be overwhelming and inhibiting
- maybe here comes a return from the cost: the 3rd party is making choices that
you and your team won't have to take. It's faster to convey on the use of a
gem than on the addition of a custom folder beneath
Do we need the tool because its the right one to solve our problems or we're just in search of an already consolidated convention? It's engineering or instinct?
Back on practical things, we have installed interactor and now we have to deal with new, strange objects somewhat resembling functions...
A "stranger" pattern emerges:
class AuthenticateUser
include Interactor
def call
if user = User.authenticate(context.email, context.password)
context.user = user
context.token = user.secret_token
context.fail!(message: "authenticate_user.failure")
This class describes an object, but the object has just one method, somehow
accessing some data - even if it's not clear from where they come since call
takes no parameters.
The class also has an "incorrect" name: it's not a noun. Its name is composed of a verb and an object complement.
Enforcing the single-purpose
We want to implement a single-purpose object, but once our kiddo is in the wild it will be extended. That's the nature of an object.
It's super-easy to extend an object with new behavior:
class Orders::UserNotification
def notify_shipment(order, user) = # ...
def notify_delay(order, user) = # Not single-purpose anymore
Interactor "closes" the interface making it a "callable" thing
class Orders::UserNotification
def call(order, user) = # ...
def a_bunch_of_methods = # ...
Enforcing being an action
The object does one thing and it's not to be instantiated. This why there's the urgency to name it as a function, thus with a verb or any other grammar construct representing the doing a thing.
class Orders::NotifyShipment
def call(order, user) = # ...
Now it's hard to think to add new public methods to this object: we narrowed its scope too much.
Externalize the state
The object must not be instantiated, as noted before. The only public method can be called on the class directly and it doesn't take any arguments.
class Orders::NotifyShipment
include Interactor
def call = FooMailer.deliver_later(user: context.user, order: context.order)
We see this ghost thing called context
appearing in call
's body like
magic and it brings the data we need to operate on. This way we're led to
not rely on object's internal state, but on this good ghost. Just reading the
snippet you are moreover in doubt to be working at class or at instance level.
But the point is that you have not to think about it. Your write procedures
relying on an externalized data "repository".
The decision to use interactor in a project brings some accomplishments. This can be evident introducing them in a pre-existent project where tons of logic were liquefied in a myriad of unreachable code base corners without any type of organization nor concept materialization.
- we've written a piece of logic in a conventional place
- it is discoverable
- it is callable
- it is small and readable
- we named the thing
- we named the thing
- we named the thing (ok ok, got it)
- we know this logic could be called from many places
- we start to understand if this logic is a sub-unit of something greater
- writing the logic we understand if it's a logic that could fail.
Alias: making sense of the chaos you created.
Unless you're just offloading single-purpose micro-units of logic from a controller, you'll find that single interactors will be useful when composed together.
Being small and single-purpose they'll need soon to start collaborating each other and you soon start to have a lot of these objects.
Let's introduce organizers: the device demonstrating you understood nothing about the system or about business workflows just by knowing all the sparse actions the system can play. Sending an email does not represent a business workflow in your system. It's just a backend operation. It's just the tail of the cat. And now you need to describe the cat.
When you compose (or organize or orchestrate) single-purpose-standalone-units of logic you face new challenges:
- naming the resulting thing (the workflow) as a whole
- using a Local DTO; the whole needs a state shared among sub-units.
This Local DTO is called the context.
Local DTO is often considered an anti-pattern by a lot of OO designers. It's not my intention to discuss the matter. I just observe the fact that this pattern is used in a number of libraries implementing organized service objects.
When you compose interactors together, you shift your attention from "what a single interactor does" to "what a single interactor needs to do what it does".
By this shift you loose quite a lot of the simplicity you found when reading and writing a single interactor. You can no more think of your interactor as it's completely isolated and you have to manage all the data flowing across interactors and how data is mutated by them.
This is an example using interactor gem:
# interactors/eat.rb
class Eat
include Interactor
def call
context.fail!(message: :no) if hungry?
context.eaten << context.food
private def hungry? = context.eaten.empty?
# interactors/walk.rb
class Walk
include Interactor
def call
context.fail!(message: :no) if hungry?
context.walked = true
private def hungry? = context.eaten.empty?
# interactors/poop.rb
class Poop
include Interactor
def call
context.fail!(message: :no) unless sated?
context.eaten.replace []
puts "Meow"
private def sated? = context.eaten.size >= 2
# organizers/let_the_cat_live.rb
class LetTheCatLive
include Interactor::Organizer
organize Eat, Walk, Poop
outcome = LetTheCatLive.call(food: 'fish', eaten: [])
outcome.success? #=> false
is fundamental, but it's not really clear what it is and how it
is mutated.
In order to know what's in the context while executing Walk
you have to read all the previous interactors' body plus initial arguments
passed to LetTheCatLive.call
and kind of deduce it.
Other libraries have more declarative configuration:
class RandomlyAwardsPrize
extend ::LightService::Action
expects :name, :greeting
promises :did_i_win
executed do |context|
prize_num = "#{context.name}__#{context.greeting}".length
prizes = ["jelly beans", "ice cream", "pie"]
did_i_win = rand((1..prize_num)) % 7 == 0
did_i_lose = rand((1..prize_num)) % 13 == 0
if did_i_lose
# When failing, send a message as an argument, readable from the return context
context.fail!("you are exceptionally unlucky")
# You can specify 'optional' context items by treating context like a hash.
# Useful for when you may or may not be returning extra data. Ideally, selecting
# a prize should be a separate action that is only run if you win.
context[:prize] = "lifetime supply of #{prizes.sample}" if did_i_win
context.did_i_win = did_i_win
class WelcomeAPotentiallyLuckyPerson
extend LightService::Organizer
def self.call(name)
with(:name => name).reduce(GreetsPerson, RandomlyAwardsPrize)
You notice that Action
's class methods .expects
and .promises
gives a lot
of understanding about what the single interactor needs in the context and how
it will mutate the context. It's of great help (<3) but
- context is still an hash: not only mutations could happen in any interactor and multiple time on the same datum, but new keys will be created on the context. You never know exactly the shape of the context in a specific step unless it's the first one.
- you don't have information about types: is
a float? A string?
Other libraries have different design that (partially?) solve this fact by explicitly declaring attributes, their types and not using a Local DTO as shared context:
class Add < ActiveInteraction::Base
integer :x, :y
def execute
x + y
class AddThree < ActiveInteraction::Base
integer :x
def execute
compose(Add, x: x, y: 3)
class Divide < ActiveInteraction::Base
integer :dividend, :divider
def execute
dividend / divider
class AddThreeAndDivideByTwo < ActiveInteraction::Base
integer :x
def execute
dividend = compose(AddThree, x:)
compose(Divide, dividend:, divider: 2)
AddThree.run!(x: 5)
# => 8
This is a great improvement (<3), but in AddThreeAndDivideByTwo
composition could brake,
mostly due to the fact that one interactor must interact with the previous one;
they're composed in a way they need to access previous one's internal state
(for errors, but for filters too).
In ActiveInteraction the context is a different thing: it's always local to an interactor. See AaronLasseigne/active_interaction#541 (comment). It's also mandatory to note that the highlighted problem does not bring to a wrong result, but to a wrong error message.
Going back to the snippet using interactor gem...
Private methods used to interact with context are repeated; this seems because we cannot add methods on context
When you read the organizer you don't know what happens inside interactors, when you read an interactor you don't know how if it is placed in an organizer: to understand what's going on you read back and forth from organizer and the various interactors until you memoize the state and the interactions as a whole. Keep in mind that usually interactors and organizers lay in different folders and each in a different file.
There's not a declarative device to validate the context nor at the start nor at the end of an organizer nor inside single interactors. I think one has to rely on rusty manual validations
def call
# body
def validate!
context.fail!(message: "foo must be an array") unless context.is_a?(Array)
context.fail!(message: "bar is required") if context.bar.nil?
but I feel the approach hard to read and to maintain.
context is the principal object here: it handle state, it determines if the whole operation is a success or a failure, it eventually reports failure error or returns all the data it contains to the caller. But it exists in a greyed dimension: it's both implicit and unstructured.
Context is THE object: has state and it would like to have behavior and respond to messages.
Interactors are verbs called to do something on the context.
In OO languages methods are the verbs/messages/actions and an object is an encapsulation of state+methods describing a specific behavior.
Let's try to visualize the same workflow from a different POV...
In software design it's a hard task!
Often it's easy to understand what you need to do step-by-step (procedural and consequential actions) while you analyze a problem, but it's hard to realize you're designing a complex system of domain objects with names, capabilities, needs, shapes reflecting business workflows, language, needs.
A fact stands out: you're designing a cat. Your reader won't give a holy fuck to discover your system is able to let something to eat; the interesting and describing part is that your system has a cat eating food.
Let's try to achieve this using a PORO.
class Cat
def initialize
@context = {eaten: []}
def eat = # ...
def walk = # ...
def poop = # ...
Looks familiar? Let's expand it
class Cat
def self.LetItLive(food:)
Context = Struct.new(:eaten, :walked, keyword_init: true) do
def self.Build
new(eaten: [], walked: false)
attr_reader :errors
def initialize
@context = Context.Build()
@errors = []
def walk
return self if hungry?
context.walked = true
def eat(food)
return self if sated?
context.eaten << food
def poop
context.eaten.replace []
p "Meow"
def success? = errors.empty?
def failure? = !success?
attr_reader :context
def hungry? = context.eaten.size < 2
def sated? = context.eaten.size >= 2
outcome = Cat.LetItLive(food: "fish")
outcome #=> #<Cat:0x00000001012b6748 @context=#<struct Cat::Context eaten=["fish"], walked=true>>
It would be interesting to discuss about all the differences between the interactor/organizer approach and this trivial OO approach. But it's an expensive matter. Let's shortcut on some spotlights.
In the example the context is a simple Struct
. This brings two important
things to the table:
- you can implement behavior
- you must declare all the attributes in advance
The second one could be a burden, but it's also quite logical: while orchestrating different methods, it's quite natural to know in advance all the "things" that my methods will need and produce. It's strict for sure. And requires more maintenance: should you add or remove one action from your chain then you need to tune the context. On the other hand, here we have a single class which contains all the required logic to run the chain: it's achievable and a good practice to shape
Be sure to watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0oxlyVUpDw even if OT
Worth noting that in the widely used collectiveidea/interactor gem the context
is an OpenStruct
: leave aside its use is discouraged by ruby's doc itself, but
this means that any present and future action could add data to the context
with anyone noticing. I don't know if it's just me, but if the context is THE
thing i'm working on, then I'd like to have as much control as possible over it.
And I want to be able to visualize its shape someway.
Private utility methods are shared among all the public methods; and you could choose to implement them directly into the context (while declaring the Struct maybe).
What to say? It's just all there. The "thing" here is the Cat
and we can
read the whole thing. The chain is there as a builder method and all the
methods/actions are easy to reach.
How could you stop the chain when something exceptional happens?
Let's suppose something goes wrong inside the 3rd method called. How would you
manage to interrupt the chain? Returning nil
and using conditional chaining
operator? Raising exceptions? Checking failure?
in each method's body?
A lot of answers and patterns are out there, but you get it's not that trivial. Quick and dumb solutions brings to code repetition or offloading responsibility and/or knowledge on the caller.
This is where interactor's approach wins! Using organized interactors any step is able to short circuit the whole workflow reporting the error to the caller as a simple return value. This is the point about the pattern IMO. Not code organization, not an object per action, not readability nor easy of discovering. To me the whole point is: it's easy to fail, stop the workflow and return from any point without any form of complex collaboration with the call site.
This approach does not add anything to validation-related problems.
Conclusions on the PORO approach:
- easy and explicit
- self-contained and self-documenting business workflow
- really hard to use it outside of a golden happy path
- thus insufficient in a lot of real life use cases
Let's try to implement something sufficient taking the good from both the PORO and the interactor implementations.
Ruby covers you with a number of functional-oriented grammar and constructs.
This gem might be the dumb solution you need to implement some of them.
But it's so dumb that maybe you
could just copy-paste something into your lib/
folder 😜. We'll take a look in
a future paragraph to well packaged, production ready (or production grade)
solutions. Just keep in mind this "gem" is just a POC useful to discuss about
the matter having some working and tested examples: use it only to support
your studies.
Lastly, as a POC, this gem illustrates alternative patterns; this is not what usually a gem wants to do. But the different flavours will let you explore pros and cons of each one and will help us driving a practical discussion. That's the intention, at least.
But with some advantages
# interactors/cat.rb
class Cat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
def self.let_it_live(food:)
Eat >> Eat >> Eat >>
Walk >>
).call(eaten: [], food:)
class Walk # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
return ctx if ctx[:eaten].size < 2
ctx[:walked] = true
class Eat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
return ctx if ctx[:eaten].size >= 2
ctx[:eaten] << ctx[:food]
class Poop # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
ctx[:eaten].replace []
p "Meow"
outcome = Cat.let_it_leave(food: "fish")
p outcome.success?
p outcome
this code is backed by ~>150 LOC. It's notable. Are we in the better-to-copy-paste zone, maybe?
THE class is
. Interactors are subclasses, contained in the same file. The.let_it_live
class method is at the top and it's easy to write other class methods composing different chains of actions. Neither rubocop is complaining about class length: we're ok. This means readability and - a nuance of - cohesion (not in the OO design sense, but ...)
is a class method, but it's not a requirement. Put it where
it best fits your needs
yes, you don't have "dot accessors" methods on the context like in interactor, but we're not using
at least -
doesn't need an organizer class! The whole concept is not present. We've just arranged the code with a method doing a specific composition. Our interactors already know how to communicate to each other using the ruby's
: up to you) method-
even more it would be plausible to directly call the composition in a controller such as
(Cat::Eat >> Cat::Walk >> Cat::Poop).call(params)
because the code it's so concentrated to be compared to a method call both from shape and expressiveness point of view
being this custom code you'll have to choose where to put it (neither this POC requires or assumes any specific location)
given previous "dots" I'd say the mood and interface are almost the same as in the original interactor
class Cat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
def self.LetItLive(food:) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName
context = Shy::Interactor::Context.Struct(
eaten: [],
walked: false
) do
def hungry? = eaten.size < 2
def sated? = eaten.size >= 2
Eat >> Eat >> Eat >>
Walk >>
class Walk # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
return ctx if ctx.hungry?
ctx.walked = true
class Eat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
return ctx if ctx.sated?
ctx.eaten << ctx.food
class Poop # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor
def call(ctx)
ctx.eaten.replace []
p "Meow"
outcome = Cat.LetItLive(food: "fish")
p outcome.success?
p outcome
Here we prepare the initial context as a Struct
. The class
has an ad-hoc builder method #Struct
; this method
cuts the ceremonial needed to create a Struct
in ruby, retaining the block
parameter to define methods in the created class.
Rubocop will complain about nested method definitions; being this an intended
syntax you can ignore the warning or you can create a module somewhere then
it inside the block.
The created Struct
will automatically inherit Shy::Interactor::ActsAsContext
module needed to make the object correctly work as context.
Using this object as context brings some news - already seen in the previous PORO implementation:
- you're forced to define, thus project in advance, the whole status that will be used and consumed by the actions. This is an effort when starting but you also have an overview, a "manifest" of what data the chain will use and need. This is heavier, but documental, safer and less magical. Knowing what the business workflow does is easier and faster.
- you can - but are not forced to - use the dot notation to access data, since
s naturally have reader and writer methods. - defining methods directly on the context
![TIP] For fun and science, you may want to try our special refinement:
class Cat using Shy::Interactor::HashRefinements def self.LetItLive(food:) context = {food:, eaten: [], walked: false}.to_context # ...
This is not revolutionary, and maybe not your cup of tea, but it's something worth to have in the toolbox, something that can bring improvements and solve specific problems.
class DoSomething
include Shy::Interactor
include Shy::Interactor::Contract::DryValidation
contract do
schema do
def call(ctx)
ctx[:done] = true
See dry-validation docs for more info about contract's syntax
The gem ships two validation plugins
include one of them in your interactors to enable the contract(block)
Since validation plugins are optional, the gem doesn't have explicit
dependencies for dry-validation
or activemodel
. You'll have add deps to
your Gemfile. But it's out of the scope of this document.
in this gem has only few features; the goal was to
prove how to trade on ActiveModel
when already present, but it's evident
that it has much less flexibility. This POC implements more features on the
dry-validation powered contract.
Validations achieve different important goals:
- document interactor's expectations: reading validations you know what has to be in the context in order to make the interactor work
- clean interactor's body from conditional checks as much as possible
- when a validation does not pass, the interactor and the whole chain
automatically fail, the
is not fired and errors messages are automatically populated
This addition is a big leap toward descriptive business workflows, code readability, easier composition of chains, easier testing, safer maintenance.
Working examples at examples/dry_validation_context_validation.rb
We're taking some ROP concepts as granted here. This gem uses just a couple
of them. If you don't know what a monad is and can't get what Success
should mean take a break, search for some basic info then continue.
class Cat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
def self.LetItLive(food:) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName
Eat >> Eat >> Eat >>
Walk >>
).call(food:, eaten: [])
class Eat # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor::Railway
include Shy::Interactor::Contract::DryValidation
contract do
schema do
rule(:eaten) do
key.failure("The cat is sated thus won't eat anything") if values[:eaten].size >= 3
def call(result)
result[:eaten] << result[:food]
class Walk # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor::Railway
include Shy::Interactor::Contract::DryValidation
contract do
schema do
rule(:eaten) do
key.failure("The cat is hungry thus won't walk.") if values[:eaten].empty?
def call(result)
class Poop # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
include Shy::Interactor::Railway
include Shy::Interactor::Contract::DryValidation
validate ->(result) { Types::Strict::Array.constrained(min_size: 1)[result] }
def call(result)
p "Meow"
First thing first: "context" is disappeared in favour of "result". What's the difference? It's substantial:
In a pipeline of functions each function takes an input and returns an output. This shifts the paradigm from "having a context" to "taking an input". This way each Interactor CANNOT depend on another one, but it depends only on the input it received
The railway pattern replicate the functional pipeline "just" adding an easy way to short-circuit it. Switching to the "Failure" track will automatically skip execution of later interactors bringing the failed result straight to the caller as final return.
The difference with a context should be evident: the context is a local DTO each interactor has to receive, interact with it, eventually mutating it, then passing it along to the next interactor in the chain. Every attribute and mutation potentially matter to ANY interactor in the chain. In a functional pipeline only its own input matter to each interactor; developer has to ensure that one interactor's output will fit the next interactor's input requirements. The control surface is A LOT SMALLER. And it's easy to inject adapters along the pipeline instead of modifying the local DTO with the risk of breaking the pipeline in unpredictable locations.
A railway interactor can only return one type of object: a Result
has two subclasses: Success
and Failure
. These will be the only two
concrete return values from your interactors.
object wraps the real value
res = Success(1)
res.resolve #=> 1
object wraps an error message
res = Failure("Error")
res.message #=> "Error"
Both respond to #failure?
and #success?
In order to have a lighter code shape and lower the cognitive load while reading and writing the code, the gem does a little bit of magic for you:
- you don't need to explicitly return a
: any return thecall
has, it's wrapped into aSuccess
if it isn't already and unless it's aFailure
- the result received as argument by the
method is alreadyresolve
d so that you can avoid to alwaysresult = result.resolve
as first operation.
When calling the pipeline
(Eat >> Walk).call(foo: "bar")
the initial input you give to che #call
method will be automatically turned
into a Success
Resuming: as long as you're on the happy path you are free to ignore that input and output are monads; just return a single object and accept a single argument.
Inside a Shy::Interactor::Railway
interactor #Success
and #Failure
builder methods defined on instance. Outside of an interactor you can build
such objects using Shy::Interactor::Result.Success()
To fail an action in a railway interactor you simply return a failure
def call(result)
return Failure("Please don't bother me") if monday?
As per the previous image: when an interactor returns a Failure
the rest of
the pipeline will switch on the failure and won't be executed. The Failure
object will be finally returned to the caller.
It's easy, but you have to manually and always return Success
or Failure
adapt = lambda do |result|
Failure("No meals in this hash")
(Eat >> adapt >> Poop)
When using Shy::Interactor::Railway
interactors the result could be anything.
I'd advice to always use a Hash
- you always name your data - with keys
- you can always use
validation onHash
You could prefer to use arrays for performance or scalar values for your
reasons. contract
method doesn't cover those cases, but you can use validate
accepts a lambda receiving the result
as argument. You must return
a Success
or a Failure
from it.
class FooInteractor
include Shy::Interactor::Railway
include Shy::Interactor::Contract::DryValidation
validate ->(result) { Types::Strict::String[result] }
def call(r) = ...
or you can always implement manual validation if you don't need dry-validation on the specific interactor
class RailwayInteractorWithManualValidation
include Shy::Interactor::Railway
def call(result); end
def validate(result)
case result
in [false, *]
Failure("Party hard")
in [true, *]
Success("Party harder!")
Failure("Unknown error")
- transactions within interactors? are you able to handle that?
- maybe https://github.com/Envek/after_commit_everywhere for Rails?
- i do not advise to run side effects inside the pipeline. Once
the caller receives the result it should use it to trigger side effects.
E.g. use interactors to build an
with an associatedUser
, return both theOrder
and theUser
, then useActiveRecord
to save/update them in DB in a single transaction. Dealing with nested transactions and rollbacks is hard and is harder to extend/modify.
- is rollback essential?
- is it achievable with ROP?
- production grade and/or advanced and/or endorsed gems?
- any article to read?