Replaced with
This guide details how to build the full software stack for running emoncms on the raspberry pi.
Features in this experimental build:
Two partitions (read-only OS & read-write data):
New in this version of the "full stack" build is that the operating system (debian linux) is placed on a read-only partition as is done with the rock solid gateway forwarder. A second partition is then used for storing monitored data. This should provide for a more robust setup in that at least in the event of a failure on the writeable data partition the SD card should boot and be functional as a simple gateway forwarder.
The other notable feature of this build is that it is running the latest emoncms development branch which introduces the use of redis (an in memory database). Redis is used to store the feed and input last values which do not need to be persistent on disk. Storing these in memory therefore reduces disk writes potentially increasing the life span of the SD card.
With a simple system with a few energy monitoring and temperature nodes posting show a reducion in the write rate of about 45%
Start by either installing the oem_gateway image as detailed here or if you wish follow the gateway installation guide here.
The gateway image comes with a couple of things that make getting started easier, primarily that it already has ssh server installed and so you dont need a hdmi monitor or keyboard connected to your pi to follow the rest of this guide. You can just log into your pi over your network.
The oem_gateway image, comes with the following things pre-installed: ipe debian linux, ssh server, serial settings for rfm12pi, git and Jerome's oem gateway.
One you have written the image to your SD card, insert it in the pi, connect your pi up to ethernet and power and then wait for it to appear in your devices list on your internet router.
SSH into the pi with:
and password root
The default mode for the SD Card is read-only. Change the mount mode to read/write by typing:
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
press d to delete
press 2 for second partition
press n to create new partition
press p for primary
press 2 for second partition
press enter to start partition at default
enter (1200MB*1024*1024) / 512 = 2457600 to create 1200MB partition
press w to write
reboot the pi
ssh back into the pi and put the pi in read/write mode with: ipe-rw
resize2fs /dev/root
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
press n to create new partition
press p for primary
press 3 for third partition
press enter to start partition at default
press enter to end partition at default
press w to write
reboot the pi
ssh back into the pi and put the pi in read/write mode with: ipe-rw
Now that we have a partition for our data the next step is to create or set the filesystem. Create an ext2 file system which is non journaling with the following:
mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmcblk0p3
Create a mount point for the data partition
mkdir /data
Mount the filesystem at /data at startup:
nano /etc/fstab
Add the line: tep /dev/mmcblk0p3 /daSta ext2 errors=remount-ro 0 0
You may need to start by updating the system repositories
apt-get update
Install dependencies
apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-curl php-pear php5-dev php5-mcrypt git-core redis-server build-essential ufw ntp
Install pecl dependencies (serial, redis and swift mailer)
pear channel-discover
pecl install channel:// redis swift/swift
Add pecl modules to php5 config
sh -c 'echo "" > /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-dio.ini'
sh -c 'echo "" > /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/20-dio.ini'
sh -c 'echo "" > /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-redis.ini'
sh -c 'echo "" > /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/20-redis.ini'
Emoncms uses a front controller to route requests, modrewrite needs to be configured:
a2enmod rewrite
nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Change (line 7 and line 11), "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All". Turn off the access.log by adding a # in front of the line that starts with CustomLog. [Ctrl + X ] then [Y] then [Enter] to Save and exit.
Log directory:
mkdir /data/log
Apache log directory:
nano /etc/apache2/envvars
export APACHE_LOG_DIR=/data/log/apache2$SUFFIX
mkdir /data/log/apache2
Mysql directory:
mkdir /data/mysql
cp -rp /var/lib/mysql/. /data/mysql
nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
change line datadir to /data/mysql
and redis:
mkdir /data/redis
chown redis:redis /data/redis
mkdir /data/log/redis
chown redis:redis /data/log/redis
nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
set LogFile location to /data/log/redis/redis-server.log
change save to: save 900 1 only
Turn off vhosts access log, place a # in front of CustomLog again, save and exit.
nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/other-vhosts-access-log
sudo mkdir /data/emoncmsdata/phpfiwa
sudo mkdir /data/emoncmsdata/phpfina
sudo mkdir /data/emoncmsdata/phptimeseries
sudo chown www-data:root /data/emoncmsdata/phpfiwa
sudo chown www-data:root /data/emoncmsdata/phpfina
sudo chown www-data:root /data/emoncmsdata/phptimeseries
Download emoncms:
cd /var/www
git clone
Create mysql database for emoncms:
mysql -u root -p (image password is: raspberry)
Enter mysql and timestore authentication settings in the emoncms settings file:
First create a copy of default.settings.php called settings.php:
cp default.settings.php settings.php
Use the mysql user, password and database name as used when creating the emoncms database.
In the feedsettings section uncomment the datadir defenitions and set them to the location of each of the feed engine data folders on your system:
cd /var/www/emoncms/Modules
git clone
sudo cp /var/www/emoncms/Modules/raspberrypi/rfm12piphp /etc/init.d/
nano /etc/init.d/rfm12piphp
If you wish to use the php gateway rather than the python gateway that comes with the oem_gateway image you will need to disable the entry for the python gateway in /etc/rc.local.
nano /etc/rc.local
Comment out the existing entry by placing a # before the following line, as so:
# (sleep 10; python /root/oem_gateway/ --config-file /boot/oemgateway.conf
remove lock file
ufw: uncomplicated firewall, is a great little firewall program that you can use to control your server access rules. The default set below are fairly standard for a web server but are quite permissive. You may want to only allow connection on a certain ip if you will always be accessing your pi from a fixed ip.
UFW Documentation
apt-get install ufw
ufw allow 80/tcp
ufw allow 443/tcp
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw enable
Set root password
passwd root
The default root password used in the ready to go image is {@.o7SNf~Qg3-0}#SRCM. Change this to a hard to guess password to make your root account secure.
Its best practice not to use the root account for normal use. If the root accout is disabled on a publicly facing server or a raspberrypi made available to the web via port forwarding on your router this will immedietly stop a large percentage of automated dictionary attacks, where a script will try and guess your root password to login.
Create a user
useradd -m -G sudo,adm -s /bin/bash pi
passwd pi
default: (change this for secure installation)
Disable root login via ssh
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin to no
at the bottom add the lines:
AllowUsers pi
AllowGroups adm
Follow guide here:
To get sudo to work I had to re-install sudo with the --with-timedir option set to /data/sudo.
Sudo installation:
tar -zxvf sudo-1.8.8.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--libexecdir=/usr/lib/sudo \
--docdir=/usr/share/doc/sudo-1.8.8 \
--with-timedir=/data/sudo \
--with-all-insults \
--with-env-editor &&
Add redirect in /var/www
<?php header('Location: ../emoncms'); ?>
<p><a href="emoncms" >Goto Emoncms</a></p>
Set emoncms to use timestore data directory
Install usefulscripts
Port data across from second raspberrypi or account
This section is to be written next. There are a couple of scripts available in the usefulscripts repository that can automatically download latest data from the raspberrypi to an installation of emoncms on your main computer.
git clone