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93 lines (68 loc) · 4.55 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (68 loc) · 4.55 KB


Showcase helps you display a bunch of images in the most optimum way on all devices. A slideshow on small screens, add some thumbnails on bigger screeens and a grid of images on evern bigger screens. Because why hide all your fancy images if you don't have to.


Markup your html as follows, include the showcase.css and showcase.js (or showcase.min.js) and initialise

  <!-- Include showcase css -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/public/showcase.min.css">
  <div id="showcase-demo" class="showcase">
    <div class="showcase__main">
      <ul class="showcase__content" aria-label="Image slideshow. Press left or right arrow to navigate" tabindex="0">
        <li class="showcase__slide"><img alt="Image 1" src="images/product-shot-1.jpg"></li>
        <li class="showcase__slide"><img alt="Image 2" src="images/product-shot-2.jpg"></li>
        <li class="showcase__slide"><img alt="Image 3" src="images/product-shot-3.jpg"></li>
        <li class="showcase__slide"><img alt="Image 4" src="images/product-shot-4.jpg"></li>
      <div class="showcase__controls">
        <!-- You can include your own next/prev buttons, just make sure they have the `showcase__prev` and `showcase__next` classes -->
        <button type="button" aria-label="previous" class="showcase__prev">
          <svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 443.52 443.52"><path d="M143.492 221.863L336.226 29.129c6.663-6.664 6.663-17.468 0-24.132-6.665-6.662-17.468-6.662-24.132 0l-204.8 204.8c-6.662 6.664-6.662 17.468 0 24.132l204.8 204.8c6.78 6.548 17.584 6.36 24.132-.42 6.387-6.614 6.387-17.099 0-23.712L143.492 221.863z"/></svg>
        <button type="button" aria-label="next" class="showcase__next">
          <svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 443.52 443.52"><path d="M336.226 209.591l-204.8-204.8c-6.78-6.548-17.584-6.36-24.132.42-6.388 6.614-6.388 17.099 0 23.712l192.734 192.734-192.734 192.734c-6.663 6.664-6.663 17.468 0 24.132 6.665 6.663 17.468 6.663 24.132 0l204.8-204.8c6.663-6.665 6.663-17.468 0-24.132z"/></svg>
    <div role="tablist" class="showcase__thumbs"></div>
  <!-- Include showcase js -->
  <script src="[email protected]/public/showcase.min.js"></script>
  <!-- Initialise showcase on an element -->
    const showcase = new Showcase(document.getElementById('showcase-demo'), {
      breakpoints: [740, 1200],
      thumbPosition: 'bottom'


breakpoints - Array(2). 2 breakpoints for mobile - tablet and tablet - desktop thresholds thumbPosition - String('bottom' | 'right' | 'left') - Where should the thumbnails live relative to the main image?


Born out of frustration with Shopify themes. While making some small changes to an existing theme, I found that the product image gallery was pulling in 2 different slideshow libraries, both dependent on jQuery of course. Chuck in different sets of markup for desktop and mobile and hundreds of lines of CSS and you've got a payload that's about 250kb - just to display some images.

Fuck that.

I also couldn't find a really simple slider that just works, without a crazy ton of options and customization. So I built Showcase.


Here's the manifesto:

  • Provide the best UX for showcasing something on any device
  • Encourage best practice through minimum options
  • Accessible
  • Fast & small (no slide transitions on purpose!)
  • Support modern browsers only (last 2 versions). No support for IE.

Minimal config

Design and UX decisions are based on user research, best practices and optimisations to converts users into customers. There are only 2 configuration options on purpose. But you can hack at it as you wish of course.


The demo markup includes best practices for accessibility. You can also focus on the slideshow and tap left and right arrows to navigate through it.

Fast & Small

Performance was a key driver for this project, so I'm keeping it purposefully small and include only the bare essentials

showcase.min.js ~ 2.3kb gziped showcase.min.css ~ 1.7kb gzipped

Modern browsers

Works in all modern browsers and web views. Nobody uses IE anymore ( 1.42% are on IE11 and Microsoft is trying hard to get people off it. So no polyfills, no hacks, just clean code.