Powershell script to create Windows shortcuts to start or stop AWS instances from specific User tag.
- Install aws cli on Windows : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html
- Configure aws sso profile : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/sso-configure-profile-token.html#sso-configure-profile-token-auto-sso
- Create a folder.
- Download check_aws_instances.ps1 and config_file.ps1 and put in the freshly created folder.
- Modify config_file.ps1 with User tag in $UserName and the name of aws sso profile (from step 2 of prerequisites) in $AwsProfile. (example)
## Parameters to edit before executing the script
$UserName = "Avea"
$AwsProfile = "Virtu_CustomerCare-xxxxxxxxxxx"
can get $AwsProfile from
Right-click on the check_aws_instances.ps1 file and click on "Execute with powershell"
It will open a powershell windows and execute the script :
And create a folder with shortcuts to start or stop instances :
Then you can click on any shortcut to start or stop the instance depending on it current state.
You can refresh instances states by clicking again on check_aws_instances.ps1. Note that it will take few seconds for a instance to finish start or stop.
- Create shortcuts to execute aws ec2 stop/start-instances command, according to instance status (running/stopped).
- Only valid for 'stop-only' Schedule tags, this is to avoid accidently stopping CC shared instances.
- If the instance is being started or stopped, it will create a shortcut to show details of the instance (aws ec2 describe-instances command).
- Support config file.
- If multiple instances are started, it will create a special shortcut to stop all the running instances in one click.
- sso refresh token seems not supported.
- When clicking on shortcut it will open a cmd windows. Silent execution "cmd /c /q" with .lnk shortcut seems not working.
Note that it will not modify in any way the instances. The only aws cli commands used are : aws ec2 describe-instances aws ec2 start-instances aws ec2 stop-instances