This lab is to introduce a solution regards use OpenCV 4 to detect and recognize person when motion detect happen. Application on Raspberry Pi 4b will send transaction message to Azure IOT HUB, then send notification to Microsoft Teams by Azure Logic App which trigger Azure Event Hub message from Azure IOT HUB.
- Download this lab folder as Zip and Unzip to your local folder.
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- Visual Studio Code on your machine with Azure IoT Tools extension.
- Install Ubuntu 18.04 32bit GUI onto Raspberry Pi 4B
- install Open CV4 onto Raspberry Pi 4B
Configure Azure Resource Group
Login in Azure Portal with your azure account.
Click Create a resource in Azure portal left panel
Search resource group and create a new resource group with {Your Resource Group Name}
Configure Azure IoT Hub
Config IOT HUB to route telemetry message to event hub
Configure Azure Event Hub
Click Create a resource in Azure portal left panel
Search and create a new Event Hubs with name {Your Event Hubs Name} under {Your Resource Group} created at previous step
From Event Hubs left panel, create a new Event Hub with name {Your Event Hub Name}
Open IOT HUB {Your IoT Hub name} under resources group {Your Resource Group Name}, and click **Message routing ** in left panel
Click Add to create a new event hub endpoint, and entry {Your Route Name}, and select event hub endpoint {Your Event Hub Name}
Click Create
Configure Azure Logic App to trigger event hub message and route to Microsoft Teams
Create a new Logic App names {Your Logic Apps Name} under resources group {Your Resource Group Name} from Azure portal
Create a Blank Logic App at output design panel.
Select input trigger with action When events are available in Event Hub, and select event hub {Your IoT Hub name} you created in pervious step
- select text/plain in Content Type section
Select next action with Microsoft Teams and select method Post a message (V3) (Preview)
You might need sign in teams with your azure account from output window
Select Microsoft Teams Channel you want to post and select Content into Message panel.
Configure motion detect and facial recognition script onto Raspberry Pi
Open IOT HUB {Your IoT Hub name} under resources group {Your Resource Group Name}, and click **Shared access policies ** in left panel
Right click script in scripts folder and select open by VS code
Open Bash or Terminal on your local computer.
Copy all of python files in scripts folder onto your Raspberry Pi which create by step Install Ubuntu 18.04 32bit GUI onto Raspberry Pi 4B
scp {Your Local Folder}/scripts/*.* root@{Raspberry Pi IP address}:/home/ubuntu/Documents/motiondetect/
SSH login your Raspberry Pi
Install Azure IoT Hub runtime SDK
sudo pip3 install azure-iot-device
Verify your camera
check if open camera without issue or not.
cd /
cd home/ubuntu/Documents/motiondetect
sudo mkdir train
Generate your face feature to prepare to train your face model
- Wait camera open and show rectangle of your face, turn left and turn right your face to let script generate your face features. Keep stay by 10 seconds.
Train your face model