- Short Description: This is a short description
- Bounty: XXX (- XXXX) ALGO tokens (US residents will receive USDCa and have to opt-in to receive the asset in their wallet)
- Estimated Time Commitment: xxx Days/Weeks
(For the following info, please also add the according labels to the issue) - Category: Development / Content / Both
- Experience Level: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced (multiple can apply)
- Mode: Traditional / Contest / Collaborative
Here should describes the background of the task and the specifications of this task.
Here should explain what are the needed background knowledge for completing this task.
Here you should describe what exactly should be delivered.
Judging Criteria and Metrics (optional)
- Here you should list out what are the metrics and criteria we may use for evaluating a submission
Submission Procedure
- Make a submission on Gitcoin with the project/PR/article link.
Submit an article to the Algorand Developer Portal. What exactly should be included in that article. E.g. detailed steps of building the project; code snippets; explaination to the overall archtecture...
Judging Criteria and Metrics
- Blog submissions will be evaluated by the Algorand Community team
- Include code snippets using markdown code blocks
- Add images where relevant and submit the source files for these images
- Check your blog post with Grammarly
Submission Procedure
- Submit your blog post following these steps:
- Sign Up or Log In onto the Algorand Developer Portal.
- Create a new publication, of type "Tutorial" or "Solution" on the Algorand Developer Portal.
- Draft your publication and "Submit for Review".
- IMPORTANT In your article page, post a comment with the link of the bounty as well as your Github/Gitcoin handle, so we can know which bounty submission is it.
- Send a message on the Gitcoin bounty with a link to your draft on the Developer Portal and a link to your public code repository if you would like the public to be able to provide feedback that the Algorand Team can see and use during judging.
For questions, reach out to Algorand on Discord.
- IMPORTANT As gitcoin does not provide a way for us to contact you, after taking the bounty, please subscribe to the bounty issue to receive comments notifications from us. (You can find a "View on Github" button in this page to go to the bounty issue)
- Taking this bounty task means you have agreed to our Bounty Agreement terms and policies.
- All project codes should be published on GitHub, with an MIT license or Apache V2 license.
- All contributions/PRs to public (Algorand) repositories should be open source and should follow the contributions rules of the relevant repository.
- All non-code documents should be using Markdown format.
- In the project description or repository readme, there should be a proper security notice. E.g., it should tell the visitor the project is not audited and should not be used in a production environment.
- You are not eligible to receive additional rewards through other Algorand programs like the developer ambassadors program.