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Basic Options & APIs

Alien ZHOU edited this page May 1, 2019 · 3 revisions


highlighter = new Highlighter([opts])

Create a new highlighter instance.

opts will be merged into the default options (shown bellow).

    $root: document.documentElement,    // root element for addEventlistener / DFS / ...
    exceptSelectors: null,              // if an element matches the selector, it won't be highlighted
    style: {
        className: 'highlight-wrap'     // the classname for wrap element

exceptSelectors needs null or Array<string>. It suports id selectors, class selectors and tag selectors.

For example, to skip h1 and .title elements:

var highlighter = new Highlighter({
    exceptSelectors: ['h1', '.title']


Start auto-highlighting. When the user select a text segement, a highlighting will be added to the text automatically.


It will stop the auto-highlighting.


When you don't want the highlighter anymore, remember to call it first. It will remove some listeners and do some cleanup.


You can pass a Range object to it and then it will be highlighted. You can use window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) to get a range object or use document.createRange() to create a new range.

Use it as bellow:

const selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.isCollapsed) {

highlighter.fromStore(start, end, text, id)

Mostly, you use this api to highlight text by the persisted infomation stored from backend.

These four values are from the HighlightSource object. HighlightSource object is a special object created by web-highlighter when highlighted area created. For persistence in backend (database), it's necessary to find a data structure to represent a dom node. This structure is called HighlightSource in web-highlighter.

Four attributes' meanings:

  • start Object: meta info about the beginning element
  • end Object: meata info about then end element
  • text string: text content
  • id string: unique id


Remove (clean) a highlighted area by it's unique id. The id will be generated by web-highlighter by default. You can also add a hook for your own rule. Hooks doc here.


Remove all highlighted areas belonging to the root.

highlighter.addClass(classname, id)

Add a classname for highlighted areas (wrap elements) by unique id. You can change a highlighted area's style by using this api.

highlighter.removeClass(classname, id)

Remove the classname by unique id. It's highlighter.addClass's inverse operation.


Get all the wrap nodes in a highlighted area. A highlighted area may contain many segments. It will return all the dom nodes wrapping these segements.

If the id is not passed, it will return all the areas' wrap nodes.


If you have a wrap node, it can return the unique highlight id for you.

Event Listener

web-highlighter use listeners to handle the events.


var highlighter = new Highlighter();
highlighter.on(Highlighter.event.CREATE, function (data, inst, e) {
    // ...

The callback function will receive three parameters:

  • data any: event data
  • inst Highligher: current Highligher instance
  • e Event: some event is triggered by the browser (such as click), web-highlighter will expose it

Highlighter.event is EventType type. It contains:

  • EventType.CLICK: click the highlighted area
  • EventType.HOVER: mouse enter the highlighted area
  • EventType.HOVER_OUT: mouse leave the highlighted area
  • EventType.CREATE: a highlighted area is created
  • EventType.REMOVE: a highlighted area is removed

Different event has different data. Attributes below:


name description type
id the highlight id string


name description type
id the highlight id string


name description type
id the highlight id string


no parameter e

name description type
source HighlightSource object Array
type the reason for creating string

source is a HighlightSource object. It is an object created by web-highlighter when highlighted area created. For persistence in backend (database), it's necessary to use a data structure which can be serialized (JSON.stringify()) to represent a dom node in browsers. HighlightSource is the data structure designed for this.

type explains why a highlighted area is be created. Now type has two possible values: from-input and from-store. from-input shows that a highlighted area is created because of user's selection. from-store means it from a storage.


no parameter e

name description type
ids a list of the highlight id Array
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