My first package!
The idea is to create a nice easy way to extract the social media links from an array of links. For use in my webspider
composer require allotmentandy/socialmedialinkextractor
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use allotmentandy\SocialMediaLinkExtractor\SocialMediaLinkExtractorController;
class HomeController extends Controller
public function index()
$smle = new SocialMediaLinkExtractorController;
$linkArray = ["http", "http2", "", "", ""];
echo $smle->countLinks($linkArray);
echo "<hr>";
echo $smle->getTwitter($linkArray);
echo "<hr>";
echo $smle->getFacebook($linkArray);
Here is the full list
$smle = new \allotmentandy\socialmedialinkextractor\SocialMediaLinkExtractorController();
echo "<h4>Social Media</h4>";
echo $smle->getTwitter($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getFacebook($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getYoutube($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getInstagram($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getLinkedin($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getGoogle($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getPinterest($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getGithub($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getFlickr($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getTumblr($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getTiktok($linkArray) . "<br>";
echo $smle->getRss($linkArray) . "<br>";