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mint-as-metatransaction based on moralis-biconomy-metatransactions

This Project is a fork of Ethereum Boilerplate and demostrates how you can enable gasless transaction/metatransactions using Moralis and Biconomy. This project of course work on any EVM-compatible blockchain such as Polygon, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain and other such chains.


🚀 Quick Start

📄 Clone or fork moralis-biconomy-metatransactions:

git clone

💿 Install all dependencies:

cd moralis-biconomy-metatransactions
yarn install 

✏ Rename .env.example to .env in the main folder and provide your appId and serverUrl from Moralis (How to start Moralis Server), plus some other Biconomy API Keys and UI related variables:

// Web3
// UI

✏ Create a .secret document on the root of the folder, and paste the mnemonic of the account that you want o use as deployer of the contracts (Make sure it has native currency in the network that you will deploy.

✏ Deploy your contracts cd ./Truffle yarn compile yarn migrate --network {network_name} yarn verify {deployed_contract_address} {constructor_paramneter_01} --network {network_name}

Note: In order the frontend to know with which contract he should communicate, paste the newly contract address generated in the migrate step in the respective chainId in the file list/yourCollectible.json. For example, for the mumbai network, the chainId is 80001, so it corresponds to the hexadecimal 0x13881. Then in the yourCollectible.json, the key 0x13881 will have the value as the address of the deployed contract.

Metatransaction flow components 🏗️

There are four components that allow the metatransaction flow :

🧱 Frontend application Send signed metatransaction to the relay

🧱 Biconomy Relay You need to setup a relay so he can receive the metatransaction, and call the trusted forwarder contract, paying for the gas of the transaction. In this project we use the (biconomy relay)[]. To see how to setup this relay, please check the (tutorial video)[]. This relay needs to have funds so he can pay for the transaction.

🧱 Trusted Forwarder contract You don't need to deploy this contract, since biconomy deployed the TrustedForwarder contract in several networks, which you can use. See Truffle/list/biconomyForwarder.json to see the address of this contract in each network.

🧱 Recipient contract This is the final contract that you want to change state with the metatransaction. There are come changes that you need to do in your contract.

  • Make your contract extend from "@opengsn/contracts/src/BaseRelayRecipient.sol"
  • Register via argument in the constructor of your contract the address of biconomyForwarder.json, for the desired network.
  • Through all the contract, replace msg.sender() with _msgSender(), so your contract has the ability to properly read the sender address in case of metatransactions.

🚴‍♂️ Run your App:

yarn start