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Alexandre Gautier edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Betty wiki!

0. Betty cli

0.1 - Betty-style usage

0.2 - Betty-doc usage

0.3 - References

1. Coding style

1.1 - Indentation

1.2 - Breaking long lines and strings

1.3 - Placing Braces

1.4 - Placing Spaces

1.5 - Naming

1.6 - Functions

1.7 - Commenting

1.8 - Macros and Enums

1.9 - Header files

2. Documentation

2.1 - Functions

2.2 - Data structures

3. Tools

3.1 - Emacs

3.2 - Vim

3.3 - Atom

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