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This is a testserver with minimal dependencies that is intended for testing enrollement and authentication with a tiqr client.


The TestSever uses the PHP cli build-in webserver. It can be run directly from the command line if you have PHP installed. Supported PHP versions are 7.2 and 7.4. Alternatively a Dockerfile.testserver is included to run the TestServer from a container. To enroll and authenticate with the TestServer you need a tiqr client (e.g. one of the clients from, the TestServer does not include a tiqr client.


The first step is configuring the TestServer for the Tiqr clients that you want to test.

Copy the included TestServer/config/config.dist to TestServer/config/config and set the appropriate values:

  • host_url — The URL given here is used a basis for generating the URLs that the Tiqr client (i.e. the iPhone or Android phone app) will use to contact the test server. E.g. "http://my-macbook.local:8000"
  • tiqrauth_protocol — This is the Custom URL scheme that is used by the app for authentications. Do not add the '://' part. E.g. the production client uses 'tiqrauth'. This must match the configuration of the tiqr client that is used, otherwise the tiqr client will not accept the authentication QR code and push notification.
  • tiqrenroll_protocol — This is the Custom URL scheme that is used by the app for enrolling new user accounts. Do not add the '://' part. E.g. the production client uses 'tiqrenroll'. This must match the configuration of the tiqr client that is used, otherwise the tiqr client will not accept the authentication QR code.
  • token_exchange_url – Optional. The URL of the token exchange server to use. Required for sending push notifications of types APNS and FCM.
  • token_exchange_appid – Optional. The ID of the application at the token exchange server. Required for sending push notifications of types APNS and FCM.
  • apns_certificate_filename – Optional. The filename (relative to the config directory) of the file with the Apple push notification client certificate and private key (unencrypted) in PEM format. Required for sending push notifications to iOS devices.
  • apns_environment – Optional. The apple push notification environment to use: "production" or "sandbox".
  • firebase_apikey – Optional. The Google firebase API key. Required for sending push notifications to Android devices.


The TestServer can be run from a Docker container or can be run using the PHP build-in webserver


  • Create the docker image:
  • Run the docker image. This mounts the ./TestServer/config and ./TestServer/storage directories in the container:

It is useful to run the container interactively (-it) so see the log messages that the testserver outputs.

Browse to http://localhost:8000 to use the testserver



  • PHP 7.2 or 7.4 with
    • php-gd extention
    • php-curl extention
  • composer


  • Use composer install from the root of this repository to install the dependencies


Start the TestServer from the TestServer directory in this repository using the buildin PHP webserver:

php -S app.php

Browse to http://localhost:8000 to use the testserver

Using the TestServer from physical devices

When using the TestServer from an app on a physical phone, the phone needs to be able to contact the TestServer on the URL specified

iPhone to OSX

On OSX with an iPhone device you can use the .local domain of the mac. This is reachable from an iPhone over Wi-Fi or when it is connected via USB to OSX. This relies on using mDNS. You find the .local host name to use under Computer Name in "Properties->Sharing" after Computers on your local network can access your computer at: E.g. with Computer name my-macbook.local you set the host_url in the TestServer config to http://my-macbook.local:8000. From your iOS device you should be able to open this URL in safari and contact the TestServer.


For Android devices you can create a tunnel using adb from the Android SDK platform-tools to make localhost available on the phone. E.g. when using adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000, you set the host_url in the TestServer config to http://localhost:8000. From your Android device you should be able to open this URL in its browser and contact the TestServer.


Lookup the IP of the PC on the network shared with the device and set that as the host url. E.g.