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Releases: amcharts/amcharts5


21 Nov 11:37
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[5.10.8] - 2024-11-21


  • New setting lineCap (default "butt") added to Graphics. Allows specifying how line ends should be drawn. Possible values: "butt" (default), "round", "square".
  • New setting clickAnnounceText added to Sprite. If set will announce the text when focused element is triggered with a press of ENTER or SPACE.


  • Pressing Shift-TAB while focus on non-first member of the focusabel group will now jump to a previous group or focusable element, rather than current group's first element.
  • When an XYChart is zoomed using mouse wheel it will no longer stop page scroll when its fully zoomed out or zoomed in.


  • HTML content was ignoring dx/dy position adjustment settings.
  • Pressing the UP key was being ignored when navigating within a group of focusable objects.
  • Last label of GaplessDateAxis was in wrong position when baseInterval was set to week and minorGrid was enabled.
  • Setting data item's value to null (if previous was a valid number) did not remove the column of a ColumnSeries.
  • The maxWidth/maxHeight recaculation of vertical labels was not correctly factoring in its padding.


12 Oct 20:12
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[5.10.7] - 2024-10-12


  • In some cases disposing Root element could result in a "Template is disposed" error.


11 Oct 08:34
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[5.10.6] - 2024-10-11


  • hideDrawingGrips setting (default: false) added to StockChart. If set to true, grips of drawings will be hidden when not in drawing mode.
  • toggleDrawing(enabled: boolean) method added to StockChart. Toggles drawing mode on or off.
  • autoOpenSettings setting (default: true) added to Indicator. If set to false, a settings modal will not pop up automatically when the indicator is added to chart via indicator control.


  • On StockChart labels and icons are no longer draggable to avoid interfering with chart drag/zoom.
  • Arrow position slightly changed in "Line Arrow" drawing tool on StockChart. Grip at the end of the arrow removed.
  • Arrow tip size will not increased to reflect the line thickness of a "Line Arrow".
  • "Volume Profile" indicator had its full name hardcoded for legend. It will now use its shortName (which is "Volume Profile", too, by default but can be changed to anything else).
  • Modal content will now have its contents aligned to start, rather than left, to properly handle RTL direction.


  • "Line Arrow" drawing tool would not save its color when serialized.
  • "Line Arrow" tip was not taking a color change.
  • ES2025 examples involving MapChart were not correctly importing geodata.
  • Using clearDrawings() was erroring if there was "Line Arrow" drawings added to StockChart.
  • Rotated elements with HTML content were not being properly positioned in all cases.
  • scrollToChild method of Container was not working properly.


06 Sep 11:56
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[5.10.5] - 2024-09-06


  • scrollToChild() method added to Container. Scrolls the container to the target child element if the container is scrollable and the element is currently outside of view.
  • New StockChart drawing tool added: "Line Arrow".


  • When a selected drawing in a StockChart is inselected by clicking on a chart's plot area the new drawing will not be added anymore.


  • Keyboard-dragging of focusable elements was not working correctly in some cases.
  • Sometimes label/callout drawing text was cut temporarily while editing them on StockChart.
  • Editable labels/callouts would go into edit mode when unserialized.
  • If auto-saving of drawings was enabled, editing text would not always save the latest version of the label/callout text.
  • Dragging a StockChart drawing while other drawing was selected, would drag the selected drawing as well.


30 Aug 10:29
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[5.10.4] - 2024-08-30


  • Multiple clicks (or ENTER presses when focused) on an showTooltipOn: "click" elements will toggle tooltip, rather than keep it open.


  • Accessibility: A focusable element would display tooltip only once on ENTER press with NVDA reader.
  • "Horizontal Line" and "Horizontal Ray" lines are now allow for longer overzoom / X-axis scope.
  • Candles on a GaplessDateAxis could some time become too wide.


23 Aug 09:33
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[5.10.3] - 2024-08-23


  • The chart would not allow overzooming using mouse wheel since 5.10.2. It will now allow overzoom based on axis' maxDeviation setting.


23 Aug 08:32
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[5.10.2] - 2024-08-23


  • panSensitivity added to AxisRenderer (default: 1).
  • maxPanOut added to ZoomableContainer (default: 0.4).
  • Method addLine(tool, panel, point) added DrawingControl. Allows adding line drawings via API. Supports ("Line", "Horizontal Line", "Horizontal Ray", "Vertical Line" tools). More info.


  • Fast mouse wheel zooming of stock chart could cause browser to hang in some cases.
  • minBulletDistance of a XYSeries was ignored when base axis was CategoryAxis and other axis was DateAxis.
  • RTL labels with text-wrapping enabled were not being positioned properly.


09 Aug 13:08
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[5.10.1] - 2024-08-09


  • fillGradient setting added to Label.


  • Exporting a PDF will now check image size and will not scale it up to fit page size if it's smaller. It will still scale dowwn the image to fit in the page.


  • Memory leak with axis ranges on LineSeries fixed.
  • PieSeries tick was not visible if pie had two equal slices.
  • root.nonce was not being added to all dynamically-loaded stylesheets.
  • A stack overflow could occur when auto-zooming a ValueAxis in some very rare cases.


22 Jul 08:10
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[5.10.0] - 2024-07-22


  • A second parameter (dataContext) added to Component's methods pushDataItem and makeDataItem, allowing to pass in a data context object related to the data item.
  • New class PatternSet added. Allows serving patterns similarly to ColorSet. More info.
  • New setting patterns added to Hierarchy, PercentSeries, Venn, SerialChart, FlowNodes. More info.
  • New setting fillPattern added to IFlowNodesDataItem, IHierarchyDataItem, IPercentSeriesDataItem, IVennDataItem, ISeriesSettings.


  • LinkedHierarchy nodes were not clickable when children were added using addChildData() method.
  • If there were no nodes at topLevel in Hierarchy chart, it would show nodes from upper levels.
  • Not all event listeners were disposed when disposing a ChartIndicator. This could cause a memory leak.
  • Sprite's hover()/unhover() methods now check if the Sprite is not disposed. This fixes some potential errors when disposed items are being referenced.
  • Adding in explicit d3 dependencies (Issue 1567)
  • DurationFormatter was not rounding fractional numbers properly in some cases.


03 Jul 08:59
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[5.9.13] - 2024-07-03


  • If start and end values of a HeatLegend were the same, the tooltip was shown in the top/left corner of the chart.
  • If a linked hierarchy had bullets on links, they remained visible when nodes and links were hidden.
  • Zoom-out button could be visibile initially with some specific setups.
  • ZoomableContainer would not react to pans in some of its sections if its contents was panned outside the its bounds.