Welcome to the official getIntoGameDev github repo!
I'm currently organising these folders to improve readability and reduce file duplication. From time to time a link for a video may fail, this could either be because the resource exists but has been moved, or is so out of date that it's been completely purged.
Todo: Reorganise into sections
- APIs
- Assets
- Data Oriented design
- Dependencies
- Game Engine Topics
- Maths
- Projects
- Realtime Raytracing
- Tool Engineering
Bring in more languages
Models and Textures used in the demos. If you open a project and it complains about not having something, this is a good place to look. Some resources have the same names (eg. skyboxes), and so some digging around is required.
Todo: Migrate resources from
- pyopengl 2024
- hello window
- Shaders
- triangles
- python network programming
- stage 1
- stage 2
- stage 3
- stage 4
- pyvulkan
- loading vulkan
- finished
- start
- instance
- finished
- start
- validation layers
- finished
- start
- physical devices
- finished
- start
- queue families
- finished
- start
- logical devices
- finished
- start
- window surface creation
- finished
- start
- swapchain creation
- finished
- start
- image views
- finished
- start
- SPIR-V files
- finished
- start
- Graphics pipeline
- finished
- start
- rendering
- finished
- start
- frames in flight
- finished
- start
- push constants
- finished
- start
- swapchain recreation
- finished
- start
- vertex buffers
- finished
- start
- multiple meshes
- finished
- start
- high performance memory
- finished
- start
- uniform buffer objects
- finished
- start
- storage buffers
- finished
- start
- Textures
- finished
- start
- indexed rendering
- finished
- start
- loading vulkan
- realtime raytracing
- cpp
- Compute Shaders 101
- finished
- start
- Getting Data in
- finished
- start
- Compute Shaders 101
- python
- Compute Shaders 101
- finished
- start
- Getting Data in
- faster ssbos
- images
- ssbos
- uniforms
- Planes
- finished
- start
- reflections
- finished
- start
- Noise
- finished
- start
- Textures
- finished
- start
- lighting
- finished
- start
- geometry manager
- finished
- start
- hybrid raytracer
- general transforms
- finished
- start
- acceleration structures
- finished
- start
- soft shadows
- finished
- start
- image based lighting
- finished
- start
- faster compute Shaders
- finished
- start
- surface area heuristic
- naive
- major axis subdivision
- binning
- data oriented design
- start
- triangles
- start
- finished
- recursive reflections
- finished
- start
- refractions
- finished
- start
- all together
- finished
- start
- backfaces
- finished
- start
- refitting
- finished
- start
- Compute Shaders 101
- cpp
- rust
- Intro
- hello
- hello_sdl
- hello2
- Events
- Drawing the board
- finished
- start
- Drawing Pieces
- finished
- start
- Mouse Clicks
- finished
- start
- Constructors
- finished
- start
- Commands
- finished
- start
- Loading images
- finished
- start
- Calling Assembly
- Intro
- simulations
- boob
- hair
- skeletal animation
- json
- binary files
- static Models
- local transformations
- simple skeleton
- summer camp sugar smash
- stage 1
- installation
- colors
- game loop
- text
- stage 2
- pictures
- pieces
- board
- abstractions
- stage 3
- Events
- search update
- board creation
- score
- new game button
- sounds
- stage 1
- vulkan
- app structure
- instance
- finished
- start
- validation layers
- finished
- start
- physical device
- finished
- start
- logical device
- finished
- start
- surface
- finished
- start
- swapchain
- finished
- start
- image views
- finished
- start
- Shaders
- finished
- start
- command buffers
- finished
- start
- spir-v compilation
- finished
- start
- synchronisation
- finished
- start
- frames in flight
- finished
- start
- vulkan 2022
- loading vulkan library
- instance
- validation layers
- physical device
- queue families
- logical device
- window surface creation
- swapchain creation
- image views
- spir-v files
- graphics pipeline creation
- rendering
- frames in flight
- push constants
- swapchain recreation
- vertex buffers
- multiple meshes
- high speed memory
- uniform buffer objects
- storage buffers
- Textures
- indexed drawing
- depth buffering
- mipmaps
- multisampling
- obj Models
- directional lighting
- cubemaps
- multithreaded job system
- compute shader raytracing
- single sphere
- many spheres
- wolfenstein
- clear screen
- vertical and horizontal lines
- loading and drawing map
- player
- single raycast