diff --git a/1-js-basics/solution.md b/1-js-basics/solution.md
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+# JavaScript Basics  
+## Subtopic 1: Data Types  
+### Assignment  
+Create a product object with the following properties and corresponding data types:  
+- **Product Name**: String  
+- **Product ID**: String  
+- **Price**: Float  
+- **Quantity**: Float  
+- **Product Availability**: Boolean  
+- **Product Category**: Enumerator (use an `enum` or similar structure to define categories such as "Electronics", "Clothing", etc.).  
+### Challenge  
+Evaluate the following code snippets and understand the difference between `==` and `===`:  
+console.log(12 == '12'); // Output: true
+console.log(12 === '12'); // Output: false
+## Subtopic-2: Methods and Functions
+### Assignment:
+function sum(x,y){
+	console.log(x+y);
+function sum(){
+	let a = 2;
+	let b = 3;
+	console.log(a+b);
+function sum(a,b=1,c=3){
+	console.log(a+b+c);
+### Challenge:
+The difference between function and method is that a method is associated with object whereas function is not associated with object and can take input argument. 
+## Subtopic-3: Making Decisions
+### Assignment:
+let allStudents = ['A','B-',1,4,5,2];
+let studentsWhoPass = [];
+for (let i = 0; i < allStudents.length; i++) {
+	let grade = allStudents[i];
+    	if (typeof grade === 'number' && grade >= 3) {
+      		studentsWhoPass.push(grade);
+   	 }
+	 else if (typeof grade === 'string' && (grade === 'A' || grade === 'A-' || grade === 'B' || grade === 'B-' || grade === 'C')){
+      		studentsWhoPass.push(grade);
+    	}
+### Challenge:
+let a=10;
+if (a%2==0 && a%3==0){
+	console.log("Divisble by 6");
+	console.log("Not divisble by 6");
+console.log(a%2==0 && a%3==0 ? "Divisible by 6" : "Not divisible by 6");
+## Subtopic-4: Array-Loops
+### Assignment:
+for(let i=3;i<20;i+=3){
+	console.log(i);
+### Challenge:
+Using for-of
+let a=[1,2,3,4,5];
+for(let i of a){
+	console.log(i);
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