Small command line utility to export bucket contents to a file and import from file
npm install simple-riak-migrator
- run
node index.js [bucketName]
export will be in bucketName.json
Usage: node index.js [options] bucketName
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-H, --host [host] specify the host (default: localhost)
-p, --port [port] specify the post (default: 8098)
-f, --file [FileName] specify the file name (default: [bucket].json)
-i, --import import mode (instead of reading from bucket entries will be written to bucket)
-q, --queue specify the concurrency (default: 20)
-m, --meta save meta if necessary (default: false)
-P, --pretty stringify with tabs (default: false)
--delete delete the keys as they are exported (DANGER: possible data loss)