This contains all common REST api services that work with source data system data, which has already been collected by other service tasks. This is an abstraction from the local data layer, and the source system data layer. All REST controllers should be generic to their purpose, and should not be specific to any given source system.
This project uses Spring Boot to package the api as an executable JAR with dependencies.
Run mvn install
to package the collector into an executable JAR file.
The API layer needs a property file in following format:
dbusername=[MogoDb Database Username, defaults to empty]
dbpassword=[MongoDb Database Password, defaults to empty]
dbhost=[Host on which MongoDb is running, defaults to localhost]
dbport=[Port on which MongoDb is listening, defaults to 27017]
All the above values are optional. Even without the property file you must be able to run the api (assuming you have mongodb installed with no authorization).
Note: When dbusername
is not present or the value is empty then it skips the mongodb authorization part.
After you have build your project, from the target folder run the below command,
java -jar api.jar
By default the server starts at port 8080
and uses the context path /api
These values are configurable by using the below 2 properties in
For more information about the server configuration, see the Spring Boot documentation.
# from top-level project
mvn clean package -pl api docker:build
First start Mongodb
For example:
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -v ./mongo:/data/db mongo:latest mongod --smallfiles
Create User:
use db
db.createUser({user: "db", pwd: "dbpass", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "dashboard"}]})
or from CLI:
mongo --eval 'db.getSiblingDB("db").createUser({user: "db", pwd: "dbpass", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "dashboard"}]})'
More details:
Then running the API from docker is easy:
docker run -t -p 8080:8080 --link mongodb:mongo -v ./logs:/hygieia/logs -i hygieia-api:latest
Environment variables for dashboard properties can be specified like:
docker run -t -p 8080:8080 -v ./logs:/hygieia/logs -e "SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOST=" -i hygieia-api:latest
For more properties see the Dockerfile
View port by running
docker ps
Take the port mapping and the IP for your docker-machine ip and verify by http://:/api/dashboard