A file sharing system is built using Java Remote Method Invocation. This system contains two types of entities : a file server and a client. The client is able to upload files to the server, download a given file from the server, explore files and directories, create or delete directories.
Steps to use this code on command line:
Compile all the 4 classes using the command
javac ClassName.java
Run the server class RMIServer.java, pass a portnumber available on your local machine to run the server on.
java RMIServer.java start <portnumber>
Note: On running the server, a new directory is automatically created in your C: called "ServerStorage" which acts as the root storage directory for the server. The client can upload a file to, download a file from, or make new directories inside C://ServerStorage. The client can use other locations too, since no security has been provided to prevent the client from doing so in the code. But please avoid such path names. -
Set the server location (local host and port number) to your environment variables.
set SERVER_PORT=<portnumber>
Run the client code:
To upload a file
java RMIClient.java upload <path_on_client> <C:/ServerStorage/filename>
To download a file (FileNotFoundException thrown if file doesnot exist).
java RMIClient.java download <C:/ServerStorage/existing_filename_on_server> <path_on_client/newfilename>
To list the directories and file present on the server.
java RMIClient.java dir <C:/ServerStorage/path_existing_directory_on_server>
To create a new directory.
java RMIClient.java mkdir <C:/ServerStorage/new_directory_name>
To delete an existing directory.
java RMIClient.java rmdir <C:/ServerStorage/existing_directory_name>
To delete a file.
java RMIClient.java rm <C:/ServerStorage/existing_file_name>
- To shutdown the client.
java RMIClient.java shutdown