READit This is a simple web application that allows users to load books, view their content, and analyze basic statistics such as the most and least used words. It also includes a search functionality to highlight specific words in the text.
Features Load Books: Select from a predefined list of books to load and view their content. Text Statistics: Document Length (character count). Total Word Count. Most and Least Used Words (excluding stopwords). Search Functionality: Highlight specific words in the loaded text and display the number of matches. Stopword Filtering: Excludes common words (e.g., "a", "the", "and") from statistical calculations. Project Structure Copy Edit . ├── books/ │ ├── Book1.txt │ ├── LOTR.txt ├── index.html ├── script.js ├── style.css └── Files and Directories books/: Directory containing the text files for the books. index.html: Main HTML file for the user interface. script.js: JavaScript file containing the logic for book loading, statistics generation, and search functionality. style.css (optional): Custom CSS for styling the UI (if applicable). This file, explaining the project. How to Use Clone the Repository:
git clone Add Books:
Place your .txt files inside the books directory. Update the links in the
- inside index.html to include new books:
- Your Book Title Open the Project:
- Example Book Customization Add More Stopwords: Modify the getStopWords() function in script.js to include additional stopwords:
Use a local server to run the project. If using VS Code, install the "Live Server" extension and right-click on index.html, then select "Open with Live Server." Alternatively, use Python's HTTP server: bash Copy Edit python -m http.server Open the browser at Interact:
Click on a book title to load its content. View text statistics under the "Book Statistics" section. Use the search bar to highlight specific words. Implementation Details JavaScript Functions loadBook(filename, displayName): Loads the specified book from the books directory and displays its content.
getDocStats(fileContent): Analyzes the loaded text and computes:
Document length. Word count. Most and least used words. filterStopWords(wordArray): Removes common stopwords from the word array to ensure accurate statistics.
performMark(): Highlights the occurrences of a user-specified keyword in the book text.
sortProperties(obj): Sorts an object by its values in descending order (used for word frequency sorting).
Example Book Entry If you add a new book (ExampleBook.txt), update the
- in index.html like this:
return ["a", "the", "and", "is", "in", "of", "to", "it", ...]; Change UI Styling: Edit the CSS within <style> in index.html, or create a separate style.css file for detailed styling.
Future Improvements Add support for dynamic book uploads using a file input. Include additional statistics (e.g., sentence count, reading time). Improve the search functionality to allow case-sensitive searches.