- Data_Collector.ipynb --> contains code for collecting song data and writing csv files using Spotify API
- Line_Graph.ipynb --> contains code for plotting line graph of song features
- Predictor.ipynb --> contains code for predicting most popular song and creating comparison plot
- Song_Visualization.R --> contains code for creating Shiny app with wordcloud and k-means cluster plot
- Time_Segmented_Graph.ipynb --> contains code for creating interactive scatterplot of features
- demo_Data_Collector.ipynb --> contains demo code of Data_Collector.ipynb for presentation
- top_songs_2012.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2012 and their features
- top_songs_2013.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2013 and their features
- top_songs_2014.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2014 and their features
- top_songs_2015.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2015 and their features
- top_songs_2016.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2016 and their features
- top_songs_2017.csv --> data of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2017 so far and their features
- billboard_top_100 - 2012.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2012
- billboard_top_100 - 2013.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2013
- billboard_top_100 - 2014.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2014
- billboard_top_100 - 2015.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2015
- billboard_top_100 - 2016.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2016
- billboard_top_100 - 2017.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of Billboard's top 100 songs of 2017
- demo.csv --> song, artist, and Spotify ID of demo songs for presentation
- Final_Report.pdf --> finalized report for project
- Milestone_1.docx --> report for Project Milestone 1
- Milestone_2.pdf --> report for Project Milestone 2
- Milestone_3.pdf --> report for Project Milestone 3
- Presentation.pdf --> slides for class presentation