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+## FullCalendarBundle
+This bundle allow you to integrate [FullCalendar.js](http://fullcalendar.io/) library in your Symfony2.
+## Requirements
+* FullCalendar.js v2.3.2
+* Symfony v2.3+
+* PHP v5.3+
+* PHPSpec
+Installation process:
+1. [Download FullCalendarBundle using composer](download-fullcalendarbundle)
+2. [Enable bundle](enable-bundle)
+3. [Create your Event class](create-event)
+4. [Create and Configure your own event adapter](config-adapter)
+5. [Add styles and scripts in your template](styles-scripts)
+6. [Add Routing](routing)
+### 1. Download FullCalendarBundle using composer
+$> composer require ancarebeca/full-calendar-bundle
+### 2. Enable bundle
+// app/AppKernel.php
+public function registerBundles()
+ return array(
+ // ...
+ new AncaRebeca\FullCalendarBundle\FullCalendarBundle(),
+ );
+### 3. Create your Calendar Event class
+// src/AppBundle/Entity/EventCustom.php
+// src/AppBundle/Adapter/CustomAdapter.php
+Add html template to display the calendar:
+{% block body %}
+ {% include '@FullCalendar/Calendar/calendar.html.twig' %}
+{% endblock %}
+Add styles:
+{% block stylesheets %}
+{% endblock %}
+Add javascript:
+{% block javascripts %}
+{% endblock %}
+Install assets
+$> php app/console assets:install web
+### 6. Define routes by default
+# app/config/config.yml
+ resource: "@FullCalendarBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
+# Extending Basic functionalities
+## Extending the Calendar Javascript
+If you want to customize the FullCalendar javascript you can copy the fullcalendar.default-settings.js in Resources/public/js, and add your own logic:
+$(function () {
+ $('#calendar-holder').fullCalendar({
+ header: {
+ left: 'prev, next',
+ center: 'title',
+ right: 'month, agendaWeek, agendaDay'
+ },
+ timezone: ('Europe/London'),
+ businessHours: {
+ start: '09:00',
+ end: '17:30',
+ dow: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ },
+ allDaySlot: false,
+ defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
+ lazyFetching: true,
+ firstDay: 1,
+ selectable: true,
+ timeFormat: {
+ agenda: 'h:mmt',
+ '': 'h:mmt'
+ },
+ columnFormat:{
+ month: 'ddd',
+ week: 'ddd D/M',
+ day: 'dddd'
+ },
+ editable: true,
+ eventDurationEditable: true,
+ eventSources: [
+ {
+ url: /your/custom/route,
+ type: 'POST',
+ error: function() {
+ //alert()
+ }
+ }
+## Define your own serializer
+You may want to define your on serializer. You only need to:
+Create your serializer implementing the serializer class:
+// src/AppBundle/Serializer/CustomSerializer.php