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react-native-phone-entry is a simple and fully modifiable Phone Number Input Component for React Native that provides an intuitive interface for entering and validating international phone numbers. It includes country code selection, number formatting, and validation features.

Autopick Feature

A feature that automatically picks the right country while typing the phone number.

Masking Feature

A feature that picks a right mask based on the country code.


  • 🌍 International phone number input with country picker
  • πŸ“± Automatic phone number formatting based on country
  • πŸ” Dynamic country and mask adaptation based on typed country code
  • ✨ Highly customizable appearance and styling
  • 🎯 Phone number validation using Google's libphonenumber
  • 🎨 Dark theme support
  • β™Ώ Accessibility support
  • πŸ’ͺ Written in TypeScript


npm install react-native-phone-entry

# or

yarn add react-native-phone-entry


  1. Import the PhoneInput component:
import { PhoneInput, isValidNumber } from 'react-native-phone-entry';
  1. Basic usage:
export default function App() {
  const [countryCode, setCountryCode] = useState < CountryCode > 'US';
  return (
        countryCode: 'US',
        callingCode: '+1',
        phoneNumber: '+1',
      onChangeText={(text) =>
          'Phone number:',
          isValidNumber(text, countryCode)
      onChangeCountry={(country) => {
        console.log('Country:', country);
  1. Advanced usage with customization:
    countryCode: 'US',
    callingCode: '+1',
    phoneNumber: '+123456789',
  onChangeText={(text) => console.log('Phone number:', text)}
  onChangeCountry={(country) => console.log('Country:', country)}
    withFilter: true,
    withFlag: true,
    withCountryNameButton: true,
    containerStyle: styles.phoneContainer,
    textInputStyle: styles.input,
    flagButtonStyle: styles.flagButton,
    codeTextStyle: styles.codeText,
    dropDownImageStyle: styles.dropDownImage,
    enableDarkTheme: false,


Prop Type Description Default
defaultValues object Default values for country code, calling code, and phone number undefined
value string Controlled value for the phone number input undefined
onChangeText (text: string) => void Callback when phone number changes undefined
onChangeCountry (country: Country) => void Callback when selected country changes undefined
autoFocus boolean Automatically focuses the input when mounted false
disabled boolean Disables the input false
countryPickerProps CountryPickerProps Props for the country picker modal {}
maskInputProps MaskInputProps Props for the masked input component {}
theme Theme Theme configuration for styling the component {}
hideDropdownIcon boolean Hides the dropdown arrow icon when set to true false
renderCustomDropdown ReactNode Custom component to replace the default dropdown arrow undefined
flagProps object Props for customizing the country flag {}
dropDownImageProps ImageProps Props for customizing the dropdown arrow image {}
isCallingCodeEditable boolean Controls whether the calling code can be edited true

Theme Properties

Property Type Description Default
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style for the main container undefined
textInputStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style for the text input undefined
codeTextStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style for the calling code text undefined
flagButtonStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style for the flag button undefined
dropDownImageStyle StyleProp<ImageStyle> Style for the dropdown arrow image undefined
enableDarkTheme boolean Enables dark theme for the component false

Utility Functions

isValidNumber(phoneNumber: string, countryCode: string): boolean

Validates a phone number for a specific country using Google's libphonenumber.

import { isValidNumber } from 'react-native-phone-entry';

const isValid = isValidNumber('+1234567890', 'US');


This library depends on the following packages:


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


  • Expose ref of the input
  • Add custom country picker modal


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Made with create-react-native-library

Inspired by react-native-phone-number-input