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2020-01-09 |
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{: #specify-props-runtime}
To enable an application to connect to {{}}, you must update the {{}} cluster configuration file (the core-site.xml file) to include credentials and other required connection values. One way of doing this is to configure the properties that need to be updated in the core-site.xml file at runtime.
The following snippets show useful commands that you can use with runtime parameters:
- Sample HDFS list command with runtime parameters
hadoop fs -Dfs.cos.firstbucket.iam.api.key=lipsum199 -D -ls cos://b1.firstbucket/
You can repeat the same command for cat
, put
, mkdir
and so on.
- Sample YARN job with runtime parameters:
yarn jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar wordcount -Dfs.cos.firstbucket.iam.api.key=lipsum199 cos://b1.firstbucket/input cos://b1.firstbucket/wordcount/output
- Sample Scala code that uses runtime parameters:
val prefix="fs.cos.firstbucket"
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set(prefix + ".endpoint", "")
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set(prefix + ".iam.api.key","lipsum999….")
val data = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
val myData = sc.parallelize(data)
val t1=sc.textFile("cos://b1.firstbucket/")
- Sample Python code with runtime parameters:
hconf.set(prefix + ".endpoint", "")
hconf.set(prefix + ".iam.api.key", " lipsum999….")
t1=sc.textFile("cos://b1.firstbucket/ ")
- Sample Livy application that uses runtime parameters:
curl -u "clsadmin:pwd" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-By: livy'
-d '{
"file": "/user/clsadmin/",
"proxyUser": "clsadmin",
"conf": {
"spark.hadoop.fs.cos.sportywriter.access.key": "a7634d…",
"spark.hadoop.fs.cos.sportywriter.secret.key": "5c09be…",
"spark.hadoop.fs.cos.sportywriter.endpoint": ""