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ML based 3D Image generator

This project was created in the course Computational Perception extended COMPPX from Digital Ideation at HSLU.


Idea / Target 🎯

The entire group was amazed by the possibilities of machine learning in image processing. Using RunwayML, we could try out different models with different inputs and decided later to create a something using the depth of an image. We had ideas like generating a bokeh portrait effect or an interactive 3D depth effect. Because quite every smartphone today can create those fake portrait images, we decided to focus on the 3d depth effect idea. We wanted to create something fancy showing people what an AI can do.

For us it was clear, that it should be a program running in a browser so you don't need to install an extra software.

Process 📚

After some research we started to put our ideas into code.

Transform model to TensorflowJS

Our first and biggest problem was to transform the DenseDepth model to TensorflowJS, so we could use it in the browser directly without any API calls to RunwayML. We didn't manage to convert the existing model because of it's use of custom Layers like BilinearUpSampling2D so we tried to replace it with UpSampling2D which is supported by TF.js, then retrain the model and finally convert it to the format needed by TF.js. The changes we made can be seen here: DenseDepth Repo

Training the model

We used the cloud service 'paperspace' with a P6000 machine for training. The steps we followed/things we learned:

  • The downloading of the dataset directly to the remote machine was a bit complicated because it was hosted on GoogleDrive. This workaround helped to download the file: Download large GDrive files using terminal

  • To use the GPU for training the conda env had to be set up as follows (TF build configurations):

    conda create -n densedepth pip python=3.7 cudnn cupti cudatoolkit=10.0
    conda activate densedepth
    pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 keras pillow matplotlib scikit-learn scikit-image opencv-python pydot
  • To prevent the training process from stopping on the remote machine we used the very useful screen utility.

  • Now we were able to train the Model, but upon saving the .h5 file to the disk an error occured: TypeError('Not JSON Serializable.... After the fixes explained here it worked: Save Model Fix

  • After training the model for one epoch we tried to convert it into a TensorFlow.js and tried to run it in the browser. Unfortunatly we weren't able to run it. As it appeared there was still an issue with the custom layers implemented in keras which were not compatible with TF.js so we decided to build our project using the RunwayML Network API.

Generating the depth map

Thanks to the runway HTTP Server we can use our needed model from the browser. With some lines of Javascript we can send an image as a blob from the browser to RunwayML. Runway then generates a depthmap of the sent image. The depthmap is an image with the same dimensions as the input image but is just in grayscale. As closer to the camera objects are, the darker they are on the depthmap image - as further away, the lighter they are.

Example Example Image Depthmap

Webapplication 💻

We developed a web application using Vue.js. As a first step the user can upload an image from its computer. As soon as the browser created a blob of the image, the application sends the image to runway and gets back the depthmap of the image. Using WebGL we project the original image on the canvas element. In the shaders, we can recalculate the value of each pixel with the depthmap and the current mouse position. That's actually the magic - if the neural network was able to create an accurate depthmap, the effect is quite nice. 🎉

1. Image Upload Demo image upload webapplication

2. Enjoy 3D effect Demo 3D effect webapplication

Screencast as a video:doc/3d-image-generator-screencast.mp4

Usage 🔌

To run the project locally, you have to run the following commands. Additionally it's necessary to run RunwayML with a DenseDepth model. In there you need to go to Network and make sure the HTTP Server Address is http://localhost:8000. If you use an other port, you have to change that in the file src/components/DepthImage.vue.

Project setup

cd path/to/your/target/directory/...
git clone
npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

References 💡