Golang PSQL ORM for Price Probe.
- Install and Start Docker:
yaourt -S docker
,sudo systemctl start docker
- Install Docker Compose:
yaourt -S docker-compose
- Run
docker-compose up
- Run with no output
docker-compose up -d
- Stop with
docker-compose down
- Stop and remove images with
docker-compose down --rmi all
- Open Shell on one container with
docker exec -i -t container_id /bin/bash
- Dump:
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -a -h xx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p xxxx -U postgres -d priceprobe > path_to_store_backup.sql
- Restore:
sudo -u postgres psql -h xx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p xxxx -U postgres -d priceprobe < path_to_backup.sql
- Start PostgresSQL:
sudo systemctl start postgresql
- Create a Database called
- Edit your Run configuration program's arguments by passing